Engineer Forms

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Pub Number Proponent Title Pub Date Latest Review Info
ENG 6037 CEHR Family Readiness Information Form 4/10/2010 Prescribing directive ER 600-1-54
ENG 6256 CEHR USACE Fitness and Health Program Policy 11/1/2021 Appendix A
ENG 6257 CEHR Fitness and Health Program Pay Period Log Sheet 11/1/2021 Appendix B
ENG 6264 CEHR USACE– Supplement to DA Form 5414, Administrative Return Right Agreement 5/1/2022 ER 690-1-1213
ENG 6304 CEHR Honorary Awards Checklist 5/16/2024 Prescribed by ER 690-1-19
ENG 4704 CEFC-ZP Work Schedule Time Record 8/1/2014
ENG 6032 CEFC-ZP Request, Authorization, and Report of Overtime/Compensatory Time/Holiday 12/8/2020 For use of this form, see ER 37-1-30
ENG 6033 CEFC-ZP Compensatory TIme Off For Travel Computation and Approval Form 7/31/2015 as unusual wait time. Note 3: Compensatory time for travel cannot be credited during an employee's regualr working hours.
ENG 4702 CEEC-CE Observation Card (LRA) 4/1/1988 Prescribing directive ER 415-3-11
ENG 6190 CEDC-G3 U.S Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) - Readiness Support Center Deployable Tactical Operations System (DTOS) Team 2/28/2020 Authority- Stafford Act PL 93-288 (National Response Framework) ER 500-1-30
ENG 6216 CEDC-G Field Force Engineer Medical Pre-Screen 1/13/2021 To obtain medical data for determination of medical fitness for FEST deployments to various theaters of operations.
ENG 6243 CEDC-G Assignment Consideration Request 6/30/2021 For use of this form, see OPORD 2021-11 & 2021-05
ENG 4949 CEDB SADBU Goal Information for Fiscal Year 11/1/1988 Prescribing directive EFARS 19.201(b)(2)
ENG 3735-A CECW-ZA Daily Report of Operations - Sidecasting Dredge 1/1/1969 Prescribing directive ER 37-2-10
ENG 6177 CECW-WIC Corps Water Infrastructure Financing Program Application 9/18/2023 Information will be shared with the USACE CWIFP team to review and process the application. PII will not be shared outside the USAC CWIFP team.
ENG 4914 CECW-RI us Army Corps of Engineers Interagency/Support Agreement 9/1/1997 Prescribing directive ER 1140-1-211
ENG 6019 CECW-PB Estuary Restoration Act 4/8/2008 Prescribing directive Title 1, Public law 106-457
ENG 1721 CECW-OR Department of the Army Permit 11/1/1986 Prescribing directive 33 CFR 325 Appendix A
ENG 4336 CECW-OR DA, Corps of Engineers - Notice of Authorization 7/1/1981 Prescribing directive 33 CFR 320-330
ENG 3579 CECW-OO Certificate of Inspection (Self-propelled floating plant under 65' in length) 1/3/2003 Prescribing directive ER 1125-2-304
ENG 4264 CECW-ON Application For Shoreline Use Permit 10/1/1990 Prescribing directive ER 1130-2-406
ENG 4710 CECW-ON Citation Authority Identification 3/1/2014
ENG 5036 CECW-ON Certificate of Authority to Issue Citations 11/1/1992 Prescribing directive ER 1130-2-420
ENG 5036-1 CECW-ON Cancellation of Certificate of Authority to Issue Citations 11/1/1992 Prescribing directive ER 1130-2-420
ENG 1475 CECW-OM Plant Repairs and Improvements 1/1/1969 Prescribing directive ER 1125-2-304
ENG 2468 CECW-OM Lubricant Data 9/1/1960 Prescribing directive EM 1110-2-1424
ENG 2469 CECW-OM Lubrication Data 9/1/1960 Prescribing directive EM 1110-2-1424
ENG 27A CECW-OD Daily Report of Operations - Hopper Dredges 4/1/1973 Prescribing directive ER 37-2-10
ENG 3102C CECW-OD Department of the Army-Corps of Engineers Waterway Traffic Report - Vessel Log 1/1/2000 Prescribing directives ER and EP 1130-2-520
ENG 3102D CECW-OD Department of the Army-Corps of Engineers Waterway Traffic Report - Vessel Log 1/1/2000 Prescribing directives ER and EP 1130-2-520
ENG 3135 CECW-OD Guest Register-Government Vessel 12/1/1976 Prescribing directive ER 1125-2-305
ENG 3931 CECW-OD Description of Vessels 4/1/2003 Prescribing directive ER 335-2-1
ENG 3932 CECW-OD Description of Vessels 4/1/2003 Prescribing directive ER 335-2-1
ENG 4021 CECW-OD Report of Channel Conditions (100 to 400 Feet Wide) 11/1/1990 Prescribing directive  ER 1130-2-306
ENG 4883 CECW-O Certificate of Appreciation for Volunteer Service (LRA) 1/1/2014 Prescribing directive ER 1130-2-432
ENG 6128 CECW-HS Silver Jackets State Team of the Year 12/16/2020 The National Flood Risk Managment Program; Section 206, 1960 Food Control Act; Section 22, WRDA 1974;; and the Flood Control Acto of 1955.
ENG 4055 CECW-EG RIPRAP Gradation Curves 4/1/1967 Prescribing directive EM 1110-2-1906
ENG 4334 CECW-EG Plasticity Chart (Translucent) 6/1/2000 Prescribing directive EM 1110-2-1906
ENG 4663 CECW-EG Swell Test Time Curves (LRA) 5/1/1978 Prescribing directive EM 1110-2-1906
ENG 4664 CECW-EG Swell Test Report (LRA) 4/1/1980 Prescribing directive EM 1110-2-1906
ENG 4665 CECW-EG Cyclic Triaxial Test (Specimen Data) (LRA) 4/1/1980 Prescribing directive EM 1110-2-1906
ENG 4665A CECW-EG Cyclic Triaxial Test (Saturation and Consolidation Worksheet) (LRA) 4/1/1980 Prescribing directive EM 1110-2-1906
ENG 1787 CECW-EC Reservoir Sediment Data Summary 11/28/2022 Prescribing directive EM 1110-2-4000
ENG 1836 CECW-EC Drilling Log 10/31/2022 Prescribing directive EM 1110-1-1804
ENG 2087 CECW-EC Gradation Curves 10/1/2022 Prescribing directive EM 1110-2-1906
ENG 2088 CECW-EC Consolidation Test - Time Curves 8/1/2022 Prescribing directive EM 1110-2-1906
ENG 2089 CECW-EC Triaxial Compression Test Report 8/1/2022 Prescribing directive EM 1110-2-1906
ENG 2090 CECW-EC Consolidation Test Report 10/1/2022 Prescribing directive EM 1110-2-1906
ENG 2091 CECW-EC Compaction Test Report 8/1/2022 Prescribing directive EM 1110-2-1906
ENG 2092 CECW-EC Direct Shear Test Report 8/1/2022 Prescribing directive EM 1110-2-1906
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