Engineer Forms

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Pub Number Proponent Title Pub Date Latest Review Info
ENG 1978 CERM-BI Plant Replacement and Improvement Program - PRIP Five-Year Plan - Consolidated Program 8/17/2021 Prescribing directive ER 37-1-29
ENG 4613 CERM-BI Major Item New Start (MINS) and Updated of Continuing Major Items Civil Works Revolving Fund Plant Replacement and Improvement Program (In Thousands of Dollars) 3/31/2022 Prescribing directive ER 37 1-29
ENG 4943 CERM-BI PRIP Plant Item Justification Sheet - Funding Request for FY ___ 3/31/2022 Prescribing directive ER 1125-2-301
ENG 6109 CERM-BA Emergency Operations Time and Attendance Sheet (GS) 10/30/2019 To ensure that requests for overtime pay, differential pay, or premium pay hours are properly requested, justified and approved to substantiate time and attendance entries
ENG 6110 CERM-BA Emergency Operations Time and Attenance Sheet (FWS) 10/30/2019 To ensure that requests for overtime pay, differential pay, or premium pay hours are properly requested, justified and approved to substantiate time and attendance entries.
ENG 6111 CERM-BA Emergency Operations Time and Attendance Sheet (WB) 10/30/2019 To ensure that requests for overtime pay, differential pay, or premium pay hours are properly requested, justified and approved to substantiate time and attendance entries.
ENG 6112 CERM-BA Emergency Operations Time and Attendance Sheet (RAC) 10/8/2019 To ensure that requests for overtime pay, differential pay, or premium pay hours are properly requested, justified and approved to substantiate time and attendance entries.
ENG 4439 CERE-RA Determination of Relocation Benefits Due Applicant 11/1/1972 Prescribing directive ER 405-1-12
ENG 4436 CERE-R Preliminary Relocation Data 4/1/1978 Prescribing directive ER 405-1-12
ENG 4438 CERE-R Report of Investigation 11/1/1972 Prescribing directive ER 405-1-12
ENG 4923 CERE-R Department of the Army Archaeological Resources Protection Act Permit 10/1/1988 Prescribing directive ER 405-1-12
ENG 4782 CERE-PS, DAEN-REP-S Keypunch Transcript for Real Property Disposal Report (LRA) 3/1/1982 Prescribing directive ER 405-1-12
ENG 1603 CERE-PS Realty Control File Summary 1/1/1968 Prescribing directive ER 405-1-12
ENG 2440 CERE-PS Acquisition Progress Report 6/1/1980 Presribing directive ER 405-1-2
ENG 1440A CERE-P Joint Terminal Condition Survey of Government Leased Property - Items of Restoration/Damages (LRA) 2/1/1961 Prescribing directive ER 405-1-12
ENG 1440B CERE-P Cost of Restoration (LRA) 2/1/1961 Prescribing directive ER 405-1-12
ENG 221 CERE-P U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Notice of Renewal of Contract or Lease For 5/1/1985 Prescribing directive ER 405-1-12
ENG 231 CERE-P Department of The Army Release (Partnership) 7/1/1959 Prescribing directive ER 405-1-12
ENG 232 CERE-P DA, Release (Corporations) (LRA) 6/1/1952 Prescribing directive ER 405-1-12
ENG 2803 CERE-P Department of the Army Right-of-Entry For Construction 5/1/1998 Prescribing directive ER 405-1-12
ENG 2926 CERE-P Department of the Army Option To Purchase Real Property 7/1/1986 Prescribing directive ER 405-1-12
ENG 340 CERE-P Department of Army Supplemental Agreement Accepting Proposed Restoration 9/1/1958 Prescribing directive ER 405-1-12
ENG 3423 CERE-P Negotiator's Report - Part I 9/1/2010 Prescribing directive ER 405-1-12
ENG 3423A CERE-P Negotiator's Report - Part II 5/1/1975 Prescribing directive ER 405-1-12
ENG 3871 CERE-P Report on Utilization of Civil Works Lands and Facilities 6/1/2000 Prescribing directive ER 405-1-12
ENG 42 CERE-P DA, Offer to Sell Real Property 8/10/2010 Prescribing directive ER 405-1-12
ENG 4862 CERE-P Appraisal Performance (LRA) 12/1/1998 Prescribing directive ER 405-1-12
ENG 4890 CERE-P Relocation Assistance Summary Report (LRA)_ 6/1/1986 Prescribing directive ER 405-1-12
ENG 5010 CERE-P Real Property Receiving Record 10/1/1989 Prescribing directive ER 405-1-12
ENG 5011 CERE-P Real Property Disposition Record 10/1/1989 Prescribing directive ER 405-1-12
ENG 5012 CERE-P Real Property Record 4/1/1991 Prescribing directive ER 405-1-12
ENG 894 CERE-P DA, Notice to Tax Official 11/1/1985 Prescribing directive ER 405-1-12
ENG 900 CERE-P Tract Owership Data 8/1/1960 Prescribing directive ER 405-1-12
ENG 1368 CERE-MM Report of Termination of Instrument 10/1/1975 Prescribing directive ER 405-1-12
ENG 1439 CERE-MM Real Estate Utilization Inspection Report 7/1/1958 Prescribing directive ER 405-1-12
ENG 1440 CERE-MM Recapitulation - Cost of Restoration (Engineer Estimate and Appraisal) (LRA) 1/1/1966 Prescribing directive ER 405-1-12
ENG 3131 CERE-MM Report of Compliance Inspection of Army & Air Force Property Occupied Under Lease, License, Easement or Permit 8/1/2014 Prescribing directive ER 405-1-12
ENG 4808 CERE-MM Minor Forest Products Sales Contract 5/1/1983 Prescribing directive ER 405-1-12
ENG 1038 CERE-M DA, Invitation For Bids, Bid & Acceptance Sale & Removal of Buildings (or Other RE Improvements) Located At (LRA) 2/1/1966 Prescribing directive ER 405-1-12
ENG 3297 CERE-M Contract of Sale (LA) 12/1/1964 Prescribing directive ER 405-1-12
ENG 571 CERE-M DA, Invitation For Bids, Bid and Acceptance Sale of Surplus Real Property (LRA) 2/1/1966 Prescribing directive ER 405-1-12
ENG 1015 CERE-AP Department of Army, Owner's Title Guarantee (Insurance) Policy (LRA) 6/1/1983 Prescribing directive ER 405-1-12
ENG 3143A CERE-AM Joint Survey and Inspection of Condition of Government Leased Property. Section III - Interior Condition of Individual Room 6/1/1960 Prescribing directive ER 405-1-12
ENG 1011 CERE-A DA, Corps of Engineers, Order For Title Evidence 1/1/1969 Prescribing directive ER 405-1-12
ENG 1258 CERE-A Department of the Army Right-of-Entry For Survey and Exploration 5/1/1998 Prescribing directive ER 405-1-12
ENG 1567 CERE-A Department of the Army Report on Vacation of Property 8/1/1958 Prescribing directive ER 405-1-12
ENG 3143 CERE-A Joint Survey and Inspection of Condition of Government Leased Property 6/1/1960 Prescribing directive ER 405-1-12
ENG 1017 CERE Department of the Army Final Certificate of Title For Easements 4/1/1962 Prescribing directive ER 405-1-12
ENG 1456A(AUTO) CERE Project Map 9/11/2011 Prescribing directive ER 405-1-12
ENG 1456C (AUTO) CERE Project Map (Continuation Sheet) 9/11/2011 Prescribing directive ER 405-1-12
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