Engineer Circulars

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Pub Number Proponent Title Pub Date Latest Review Info
EC 11-1-115 CEMP-IP Military Programs Annual Execution Guidance - EXPIRES 30Sep2024 11/21/2022 This circular provides the Military Programs yearly execution guidance that is necessary to deliver premier engineering and construction, real estate, installation readiness, and environmental management products and services. United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) is committed to serving the Army, Air Force, Department of Defense (DoD), and other U.S. Government agencies and foreign governments as assigned by delivering the program.
EC 11-2-226 CECW-I Civil Works Direct Annual Execution Program Guidance Expires 30June24 7/1/2022 This Circular provides U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) program and project management policies and practices to ensure that execution of the Fiscal Year (FY) 2022 Civil Works Program is conducted according to the Energy and Water Development and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2022 (Division D of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2022 (per Sec. 1 of Public Law 117-103) and with Executive Branch policies.
EC 11-2-228 CECW Civil Works Direct Annual Execution Program Guidance - expires 31Mar2025 4/3/2023
EC 25-1-421 CELD Information Management - Rescission - expires 24 April 2025 4/25/2023
EC 34-1-1 CECW-CO Asset Criticality and Work Order Priority Framework - EXPIRES 10Aug2025 8/10/2023 This EC supersedes FRAGO 1 to OPORD 2013-01 dated July 2013
EC 37-1-140 CERM-F Operations in Lapse of Appropriation Guidance - EXPIRES 30Sep2024 8/1/2023 Administrative revision completed 10Jan2024 per OMB directive - EC EXPIRES 30 September 2024
EC 1100-1-113 CECW-EC USACE Guidance for Incorporating Study-Specific Projections of Climate-Changed Meteorology and Hydrology - EXPIRES 25 June 2025 6/26/2023
EC 1130-2-551 CECW-OP Civil Works Maintenance Portfolio Management - Expires 12 April 2025 5/1/2023
EC 1130-2-552 CECW-OP Civil Works Operational Readiness Reporting Policy - Expires 31May2025 5/30/2023
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