Engineer Forms

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Pub Number Proponent Title Pub Date Latest Review Info
ENG 6264 CEHR USACE– Supplement to DA Form 5414, Administrative Return Right Agreement 5/1/2022 ER 690-1-1213
ENG 6265 CECO-P Contract Requirements Package Security Review Cover Sheet )Non-Army Customer) 5/30/2022 HQ-USACE OPORD 2022-30
ENG 6266 CEHR-E Retention Incentive Statement of Understanding 3/6/2023 ER 690-1-1217
ENG 6267 CEHR-E Student Loan Repayment Program Checklist 3/6/2023 ER 690-1-1217
ENG 6268 CEHR-E Recruitment, Relocation and Retention Incentives (3Rs) Checklist 3/6/2023 ER 690-1-1217
ENG 6271 CEIT-CSD-F Cyber Forensics Investigative Services Request 3/6/2023 Supersedes ACE-IT Form 32 - Used to initiate a 'User cyber investigation'.
ENG 6272 CEIT-CSD-F Litigation Support Request 5/1/2023
ENG 6273 CEIT-CSD-F FOIA Support Request 4/30/2023 Use this form to request Cyber Forensics Branch support to collect electronic records to answer a FOIA request.
ENG 6275 CELD Receipt and Issue of Fuel Products 4/17/2023 See AR 710-2
ENG 6276 CEIT-CS Cyber Security Quick Reference Card 5/1/2023
ENG 6277 CESO Energized Electrical Work Permit 9/13/2024 See EM 385-1-1
ENG 6282 CESO Site Safety and Health Officer (SSHO) Designation Letter 9/13/2024 See EM 385-1-1
ENG 6283 CESO Collateral Duty Safety Officer (CDSO) Designation Letter 9/13/2024 See EM 385-1-1
ENG 6284 CECW-COR Regulatory Violation Compliant 10/31/2024 Section 404 Clean Water Act, Section 10 Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 and Section 103 of Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act
ENG 6285 CECW-COR Certification of Compliance with Department of the Army Permit 12/20/2024 This form is used by recipients of US Army Corps of Engineer Regulatory permits to certify compliance with the permit terms and conditions.
ENG 6286 CECW-COR Request Pre-Application Meeting or Project Scoping 10/31/2024 Section 404 Clean Water Act, Section 10 Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 and Section 103 of Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act of 1972
ENG 6287 CECW-COR Notification of Administrative Appeal Options and Process and Request for Appeal 10/31/2024 Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899, and Section 103 of the Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act
ENG 6290 CECO-C Reemployed Annuitant Program (RAP) Medical Questionnaire- Field Version 11/7/2023
ENG 6291 CECO-C Reemployed Annuitant Program (RAP) Medical Questionnaire- Office Version 11/7/2023
ENG 6292 CESO Site-Specific Safety and Occupational Health Plan 9/13/2024 See EM 385-1-1
ENG 6293 CESO Accident Prevention Plan Worksheet 8/31/2024 EM 385-1-1
ENG 6294 CECW-COR Right of Entry 1/22/2025 Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899, and Section 103 of the Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act
ENG 6295 CECW-COR Authorization to Act as an Agent 1/22/2025 Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899, and Section 103 of the Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act
ENG 6297 CESO Harmful Algal Bloom Declaration 12/4/2023
ENG 6303 CEHR-E Recruitment, Relocation, and Retention Incentives - Justification and Approval 4/16/2024 ER 690-1-1217
ENG 6304 CEHR Honorary Awards Checklist 5/16/2024 Prescribed by ER 690-1-19
ENG 6306 CERM-F Cross Charge Resource Code Request 10/9/2024
ENG 1440A CERE-P Joint Terminal Condition Survey of Government Leased Property - Items of Restoration/Damages (LRA) 2/1/1961 Prescribing directive ER 405-1-12
ENG 1440B CERE-P Cost of Restoration (LRA) 2/1/1961 Prescribing directive ER 405-1-12
ENG 1456A(AUTO) CERE Project Map 9/11/2011 Prescribing directive ER 405-1-12
ENG 1456C (AUTO) CERE Project Map (Continuation Sheet) 9/11/2011 Prescribing directive ER 405-1-12
ENG 1924 YELLOW CESO Yellow Caution Tag 8/1/1994 Prescribing directive ER 385-1-31
ENG 1925 RED CESO Red Danger Tag 8/1/1994 Prescribing directive ER 385-1-31
ENG 2538-1 CECW-EC Quality Assurance Report (QAR) Daily Log of Construction - Military 7/17/2024 Prescribing directive ER 1180-1-6
ENG 2538-2 CECW-EC Quality Assurance Report (QAR) Daily Log of Construction - Civil 7/17/2024 Prescribing directive ER 1180-1-6
ENG 27A CECW-OD Daily Report of Operations - Hopper Dredges 4/1/1973 Prescribing directive ER 37-2-10
ENG 3102B CEIWR-NDC Department of the Army-Corps of Engineers Waterway Traffic Report - Lockage Log 6/5/2024 Prescribing directives ER and EP 1130-2-520
ENG 3102C CEIWR-NDC Waterway Traffic Report - Summary Lock Vessel Log 12/31/2024 Prescribing directives ER and EP 1130-2-520
ENG 3102D CEIWR-NDC Waterway Traffic Report - Detail Lock Vessel Log 12/31/2024 Prescribing directives ER and EP 1130-2-520
ENG 3143A CERE-AM Joint Survey and Inspection of Condition of Government Leased Property. Section III - Interior Condition of Individual Room 6/1/1960 Prescribing directive ER 405-1-12
ENG 3423A CERE-P Negotiator's Report - Part II 5/1/1975 Prescribing directive ER 405-1-12
ENG 3735-A CECW-ZA Daily Report of Operations - Sidecasting Dredge 1/1/1969 Prescribing directive ER 37-2-10
ENG 3925B CEIWR-NDC Vessel Operation Report - Statement of Freight and Passenger Carried (Shallow Draft Inland Traffic) 6/14/2023 OMB No. 0710-0006 - Expires 2026-05-31
ENG 3925C CEIWR-NDC Vessel Operation Report - Statement of Containers Carried 6/14/2023 OMB No. 0710-0006 - Expires 2026-05-31
ENG 3925P CEIWR-NDC Vessel Operation Report - Statement of Passengers and Vehicles Carried 6/14/2023 OMB No. 0710-0006 - Expires 2026-05-31
ENG 4665A CECW-EG Cyclic Triaxial Test (Saturation and Consolidation Worksheet) (LRA) 4/1/1980 Prescribing directive EM 1110-2-1906
ENG 4839B CESO Play It Safe Hang Tag 7/12/2012 Prescribing directive not indicated
ENG 4858A CECW-CE Quarterly A-E Liability Case Report (LRA) 5/1/1999 Prescribing directive ER 715-1-10
ENG 5036-1 CECW-ON Cancellation of Certificate of Authority to Issue Citations 11/1/1992 Prescribing directive ER 1130-2-420
ENG 6116-1 CECW-COR Wetland Determination Data Sheet - Arid West Region 9/30/2024 OMB No. 0710-0024 - Expires 2027-09-30
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