Engineer Forms

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Pub Number Proponent Title Pub Date Latest Review Info
ENG 6151 CEHR-D Leadership Development Program (LDP) Metrics 1/31/2019 To collect information about the Leadership Development Programs within USACE.
ENG 6152 CEIT-OPI-R Litigation Hold/ Records Freeze - Freeze Code Identifier 4/30/2020 Use this sticker to identify electronic devices whose contents may potentially contain information relevant to a litigation hold/record freeze.  Use Avery Label 5162 to print.
ENG 6153 CECI-Z Corporate Information Officer (CIO) Meeting Request 4/30/2020
ENG 6171 CECI-ZA Applicant Transaction Record 7/29/2019
ENG 6174 CECW-CO Motorboat Operator Training Nomination 8/22/2019
ENG 6175 CECW-CO Small Boat (Less Than 26 Feet) and Equipment Checklist 8/22/2019
ENG 6176 CECW- WIC Corps Water Infrastructure Financing Program Preliminary Application 9/18/2023 Information will be shared with the USACE CWIFP team to review and process the application. PII will not be shared outside the USAC CWIFP team.
ENG 6177 CECW-WIC Corps Water Infrastructure Financing Program Application 9/18/2023 Information will be shared with the USACE CWIFP team to review and process the application. PII will not be shared outside the USAC CWIFP team.
ENG 6178 CECI-Z Attendee/Participant Feedback Survey 10/11/2019
ENG 6188 CERM-F Labor Cost Transfer 5/31/2023 The Labor Cost Transfer form is used for labor cost corrections for an individual employee.
ENG 6189 CERM-F Mass Labor Cost Transfer 2/28/2020 The Mass Labor Cost Transfer form is used for labor cost corrections of 1) multiple employees (one labor code) or 2) one employee (multiple labor codes).
ENG 6190 CEDC-G3 U.S Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) - Readiness Support Center Deployable Tactical Operations System (DTOS) Team 2/28/2020 Authority- Stafford Act PL 93-288 (National Response Framework) ER 500-1-30
ENG 6196 CECW-EC Designated Department of Defense Construction Agent (DCA) Assessment 2/5/2024 The purpose of this form is to document completion of the Design and Construction Agent Assessment and the results of the assessment. It also provides worksheets to aid in the completion of the assessment.
ENG 6200 CEIT-OPI-R UNCLASSIFIED Portable Equipment Label (with ALARACT MSG 209/2006) 10/30/2020 This ENG Form replaces ACE-IT Form 1
ENG 6201 CEIT-OPI-R UNCLASSIFIED Equipment Label 10/30/2020 This ENG Form replaces ACE-IT Form 2
ENG 6203 CESO Crane Standard Lift Plan 8/10/2023 EM 385-1-1
ENG 6204 CESO Alternate Entry Procedures 5/31/2023 Prescribed by EM 385-1-1
ENG 6205 CESO Atmospheric Testing 5/25/2023 Prescribed by EM 385-1-1
ENG 6206 CESO Activity Hazard Analysis 9/1/2024 EM 385-1-1
ENG 6207 CESO Confined Space Entrant Log 5/31/2023 Prescribed by EM 385-1-1
ENG 6208 CESO Permit-Required Confined Space Entry (PRCS) 6/1/2023 Prescribed by EM 385-1-1
ENG 6209 CESO Certificate of Compliance for Load Handling Equipment and Rigging 6/21/2023 EM 385-1-1
ENG 6210 CESO Confined Space Reclassification 5/31/2023 Prescribed by EM 385-1-1
ENG 6211 CESO Rescue Service Evaluation 5/31/2023 Prescribed by EM 385-1-1
ENG 6212 CESO Confined Space Survey 5/31/2023 Prescribed by EM 385-1-1
ENG 6213 CESO Load-Handling Equipment Crane Operation Critical Lift Plan 8/23/2023 EM 385-1-1
ENG 6215 CERM-F Issuance and Acceptance of Project Orders Checklist 10/30/2020 For use of this form, see ER 37-1-26
ENG 6216 CEDC-G Field Force Engineer Medical Pre-Screen 1/13/2021 To obtain medical data for determination of medical fitness for FEST deployments to various theaters of operations.
ENG 6220 CECW-CO Plant Rate Computations 4/8/2022 For use of this form, see ER 37 1-30 and ER 37 1-29
ENG 6224 CEIT-PMI Request For Change During Configuration Freeze 12/17/2020 For use of this form, see IAW - Memo 41 Enterprise Change Managment Governance, Guidance and Policy
ENG 6225 CECT USACE Kickoff Meeting Topics. 1/5/2021 Proponent Agent CECT
ENG 6226 CESO Diver Contractors Checklist 2/26/2021 For use of this form, see ER 385-1-86
ENG 6227 CESO Diver Medical Instructions and Authorization 9/19/2023 For use of this form, see ER 385-1-86
ENG 6228 CESO Diver in Training & Tender in Training Checklist 2/28/2021 For use of this form, see ER 385-1-86
ENG 6229 CESO Diver Supervisor Qualification Checklist 2/26/2021 For use of this form, see ER 385-1-86
ENG 6231 CECT-P Architect-Engineer (A-E) Contract Compliance Checklist 3/6/2023 For use of this form, see USACE Aquisition Instruction.
ENG 6232 CECT-P Architect-Engineer (A-E) Section and Solicitation Compliance Checklist 3/6/2023 For use of this form, see USACE Acquisition Instruction.
ENG 6234 CECT-P Contract Specialist Proficiency Guide Task Tracking Sheet 3/25/2021 For use of this form, see EP 715-1-8
ENG 6235 CESO Dive Operations Plan 3/4/2021 For use of this form, see ER 385-1-86
ENG 6238 CERM-F Internal Management Control Review Checklist Military Construction Supervision and Administration (S&A) 3/30/2021 This checklist will be used at each U.S. Army Corps of Engineers command where military supervision and administration accounts are operated in the Revolving Fund.
ENG 6241 CECS-X Command Group Calendar Request 4/6/2021 Used to schedule, define, coordinate, and staff meeting request in accordance with Army Senior Leader and HQDA scheduling processes.
ENG 6243 CEDC-G Assignment Consideration Request 6/30/2021 For use of this form, see OPORD 2021-11 & 2021-05
ENG 6244 CESO-MED USACE Urban Search and Rescue (US&R) Medical Authorization. 7/1/2021 EM 385-1-86 and EM 385-1-1, FEMA US&R Requirements
ENG 6247 CECW-COR Request for Jurisdictional Determination (JD) 1/3/2024 OMB No. 0710-0024 - Expires 2024-06-30
ENG 6249 CECW-COR Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination (PJD) 3/1/2024 OMB No. 0710-0024 - Expires 2024-06-30
ENG 6250 CECW-COR Interim Draft Rapid Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM) Field Identification Data Sheet 4/3/2024 OMB No. 0710-0024 - Expires 2024-06-30
ENG 6251 CECW-CO The Civil Works Housing Determination of Need 9/1/2021 The purpose of housing government employees or leasing for use by non-government employees. Each structure used as housing shall have an approved determination of need to serve as approval and base line for oversight and management in conjunction with ER 1130-2-500 Chapter 13. Division Code: Date of Review: Project Code (i.e. CESAM-OP-SL):
ENG 6256 CEHR USACE Fitness and Health Program Policy 11/1/2021 Appendix A
ENG 6257 CEHR Fitness and Health Program Pay Period Log Sheet 11/1/2021 Appendix B
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