Engineer Forms

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Pub Number Proponent Title Pub Date Latest Review Info
ENG 3297 CERE-M Contract of Sale (LA) 12/1/1964 Prescribing directive ER 405-1-12
ENG 3309 CESO Record of Radioactive Material 7/1/1980 Prescribing directive ER 385-1-80
ENG 3394 CESO U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) MISHAP NOTIFICATION AND INVESTIGATION 8/10/2021 For use of this form, see instructions in ER 385-1-99
ENG 3423 CERE-P Negotiator's Report - Part I 9/1/2010 Prescribing directive ER 405-1-12
ENG 3436 CECO Warning (Copy Machines) 3/1/1973 Prescribing directive USACE Supplement 1 to AR 380-5
ENG 3536 CERE Department of the Army Corps of Engineers Statement Concerning Outstanding Encumbrances 1/1/1963 Prescribing directive ER 405-1-12
ENG 3560 CEMP-CR Report of Compliance Inspection - Outgrants 6/1/2014 For use of this form see ER 405-1-80
ENG 3579 CECW-OO Certificate of Inspection (Self-propelled floating plant under 65' in length) 1/3/2003 Prescribing directive ER 1125-2-304
ENG 3659 CECW-EC Unconfined Compression Test Report 10/1/2022 Prescribing directive EM 1110-2-1906
ENG 3662 CELD-V Administrative Vehicle Operational Record 2/1/2022 Prescribing directive ER 56-2-1
ENG 3835 CECW-EC Water Content - General 7/30/2022 Prescribing directive EM 1110-2-1906
ENG 3836 CECW-EC Unit Weights, Void Ratio, Porosity, and Degree of Saturation (Volumetric Method) 3/22/2023 Prescribing directive EM 1110-2-1906
ENG 3837 CECW-EC Unit Weights, Void Ratio, Porosity, and Degree of Saturation (Displacement Method) 4/16/2024 Prescribing directive EM 1110-2-1906
ENG 3838 CECW-EC Liquid and Plastic Limit Test 5/23/2023 Prescribing directive EM 1110-2-1906
ENG 3839 CECW-EC Shrinkage Limit Test 5/10/2023 Prescribing directive EM 1110-2-1906
ENG 3840 CECW-EC Specific Gravity Test 5/23/2023 Prescribing directive EM 1110-2-1906
ENG 3841 CECW-EC Sieve and Hydrometer Analysis 5/30/2023 Prescribing directive EM 1110-2-1906
ENG 3843 CECW-EC Compaction Test 5/30/2023 Prescribing directive EM 1110-2-1906
ENG 3844 CECW-EC Constant-Head 5/30/2023 Prescribing directive EM 1110-2-1906
ENG 3845 CECW-EC Falling-Head Permeability Test 5/25/2023 Prescribing directive EM 1110-2-1906
ENG 3846 CECW-EC Falling-Head Permeability Test With Consolidometer 7/5/2023 Prescribing directive EM 1110-2-1906
ENG 3847 CECW-EC Consolidation Test (Specimen Data) 9/11/2023 Prescribing directive EM 1110-2-1906
ENG 3848 CECW-EC Consolidation Test (Time-Consolidation Data) 8/29/2023 Prescribing directive EM 1110-2-1906
ENG 3849 CECW-EC Consolidation Test (Computation of Void Ratios) 8/29/2023 Prescribing directive EM 1110-2-1906
ENG 3850 CECW-EC Direct Shear Test - Specimen Data 2/27/2024 Prescribing directive EM 1110-2-1906
ENG 3851 CECW-EC Direct Shear Test - Time Shear Stress Data 3/14/2024 Prescribing directive EM 1110-2-1906
ENG 3852 CECW-EC Triaxial Compression Test 4/16/2024 Prescribing directive EM 1110-2-1906
ENG 3853 CECW-EC Axial Loading Data 4/1/2024 Prescribing directive EM 1110-2-1906
ENG 3854 CECW-EC Triaxial Compression Test (Back Pressure and Pore Pressure Data)(Saturation) 4/1/2024 Prescribing directive EM 1110-2-1906
ENG 3855 CECW-EC Triaxial Compression (R and S) Test Preliminary Consolidation 4/3/2024 Prescribing directive EM 1110-2-1906
ENG 3856 CECW-EC Triaxial Compression(S) Test - Axial Loading Data 6/1/2024 Prescribing directive EM 1110-2-1906
ENG 3857 CECW-EC Unconfined Compression Test 6/1/2024 Prescribing directive EM 1110-2-1906
ENG 3871 CERE-P Report on Utilization of Civil Works Lands and Facilities 6/1/2000 Prescribing directive ER 405-1-12
ENG 3925 CEIWR-NDC Vessel Operation Report - Statement of Freight and Passenger Carried 6/14/2023 OMB No. 0710-0006 - Expires 2026-05-31
ENG 3926 CEIWR-NDC Record of Arrivals and Departures of Vessels 6/14/2023 OMB No. 0710-0006 - Expires 2026-05-31
ENG 3931 CECW-OD Description of Vessels 4/1/2003 Prescribing directive ER 335-2-1
ENG 3932 CECW-OD Description of Vessels 4/1/2003 Prescribing directive ER 335-2-1
ENG 4021 CECW-OD Report of Channel Conditions (100 to 400 Feet Wide) 11/1/1990 Prescribing directive  ER 1130-2-306
ENG 4025 CECW-CE Transmittal of Shop Drawings, Equipment Data, Material Samples, or Manufacturer's Certificates of Compliance 5/25/2017 Prescribing directive ER 415-1-10. Revised version May 2017
ENG 4026 CECW-CE Routing of Shop Drawings, Equipment Data, Material Samples, or Manufacturer's Certificates of Compliance for Approval 1/10/2015 Prescribing directive ER 415-1-10
ENG 4055 CECW-EG RIPRAP Gradation Curves 4/1/1967 Prescribing directive EM 1110-2-1906
ENG 4264 CECW-ON Application For Shoreline Use Permit 10/1/1990 Prescribing directive ER 1130-2-406
ENG 4288 CECW-EC Submittal Register 6/11/2024 Prescribing directive ER 415-1-10
ENG 4334 CECW-EG Plasticity Chart (Translucent) 6/1/2000 Prescribing directive EM 1110-2-1906
ENG 4336 CECW-COR Notice of USACE Permit 10/31/2024 Section 404 Clean Water Act, Section 10 Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 and Section 103 of Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act
ENG 4345 CECW-COR Application for Department of the Army Permit 10/31/2024 33 CFR 325
ENG 4381 CESO Warning Citation 3/31/2015 For use of this form see Engineer Pamplet 1130-2-550
ENG 4436 CERE-R Preliminary Relocation Data 4/1/1978 Prescribing directive ER 405-1-12
ENG 4438 CERE-R Report of Investigation 11/1/1972 Prescribing directive ER 405-1-12
ENG 4439 CERE-RA Determination of Relocation Benefits Due Applicant 11/1/1972 Prescribing directive ER 405-1-12
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