Engineer Regulations

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Pub Number Proponent Title Pub Date Latest Review Info
ER 1165-2-132 CECW-PO HAZARDOUS, TOXIC AND RADIOACTIVE WASTE GUIDANCE FOR CIVIL WORKS PROJECTS 6/26/1992 Provides guidance for consideration of issues and problems associated with HTRW which may be located within project boundaries or may affect or be affected by Corps Civil Works Projects.
ER 1165-2-18 CECW-PR REIMBURSEMENT FOR NON-FEDERAL PARTICIPATION IN CIVIL WORKS PROJECTS 2/1/1989 Provides guidance on use of Section 215 of the Flood Control Act of 1968 to reimburse a non-Federal public body for construction of part of an authorized Federal project.
ER 1165-2-208 CECW-P In-Kind Contribution Credit Provisions of Sections 221(a)(4) of the Flood Control Act of 1970, as amended 12/6/2015 This regulation supersedes ER 1165-2-208, dated 17 February 2012.
ER 1165-2-209 CECW-P Studies of Water Resources Development Projects by Non-Federal Interest 2/4/2016 This Engineer Regulation supersedes ER 1165-2-122, dated 26 August 1991
ER 1165-2-21 CECW-PR FLOOD DAMAGE REDUCTION MEASURES IN URBAN AREAS 10/30/1980 Provides policies and guidance for COE participation in urban flood damage reduction projects and establishes criteria to distinguish between improvements to be accomplished by the Corps under flood control authorities and storm sewer systems to be accomplished by local interests.
ER 1165-2-25 CECW-PR NAVIGATION POLICY: COST APPORTINMENT OF BRIDGE ALTERATIONS 5/30/1979 Provides policies and guidelines for the apportionment of bridge alteration costs required in connection with navigation improvements recommended in reports transmitted to the Chief of Engineers for approval or submitted to Congress for authorization.
ER 1165-2-26 CECW-PR IMPLEMENTATION OF EXECUTIVE ORDER 11988 ON FLOOD PLAIN MANAGEMENT 3/30/1984 Provides general policy and guidance for COE implementation of Executive Order 11988 as it pertains to the planning, design and construction of Civil Works projects, to activities under the operation and maintenance and Real Estate Programs.
ER 1165-2-27 CECW-PR ESTABLISHEMENT OF WETLANDS AREAS IN CONNECTION WITH DREDGING 8/18/1989 Provides guidance for the establishment of wetland areas in connection with dredging required as part of water resources development projects.
ER 1165-2-29 CECW-PR GENERAL CREDIT FOR FLOOD CONTROL 11/18/1987 Establishes guidelines and procedures for DA application of the provisions of Section 104 of Public Law 99-662
ER 1165-2-30 CECW-AG ACCEPTANCE AND RETURN OF REQUIRED, CONTRIBUTED OR ADVANCED FUNDS 12/31/1997 Establishes basic procedures returning appropriate portions of required, contributed or advanced funds from private parties, states, and political subdivisions in connection with Civil Works Projects.  And establishes basic procedures controlling and acceptance and return of such funds.
ER 1165-2-400 CECW-PR RECREATIONAL PLANNING, DEVELOPMENT, AND MANAGEMENT POLICIES 8/9/1985 Defines the objectives, philosophies and basic policies for outdoor recreation and enhancement of fish and wildlife resources at COE water resource development projects.
ER 1165-2-502 CECW-P Delegation of Review and Approval Authority for Post-Authorization Decision Documents 3/31/2014 This regulation supersedes ER 1165-2-502; dated 31 March 2007
ER 1165-2-504 CECW-P Construction of Water Resource Development Projects by Non-Federal Interests 7/12/2017 This regulation supersedes ER 1165-2-124, Construction of Harbor or Inland Harbor Projects by Non-Federal Interests, dated 1 October 1990 and ER 1165-2-120, Reimbursement For Advance Non-Federal Construction of Authorized Federal Harbor and Inland Harbor Projects, dated 15 June 1988. This Regulation provides policy guidance for implementation of Section 204 of the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) of 1986, as amended by Section 1014(b) of the Water Resources Reform and Development Act (WRRDA) of 2014 and Section 1127 of the WRDA 2016 (33 United States Code (U.S.C.) 2232)
ER 1180-1-6 CEMP-CE CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT 9/30/1995 Provides general policy and guidance for establishing quality management procedures in the execution of construction contracts.  And defines the related responsibilities and rolls of both the contractor and the government.
ER 1180-1-9 CECW-CE DESIGN-BUILD CONTRACTING 3/31/2012 Prescribes authorities and procedures for the use of design-build contracting by USACE.
ER 1-2-2 CECW-PL Water Resources Policies and Authorities Substantive Congressional Contacts (RCS: CECW-P-21) 7/1/1991 Is to prescribe requirements and give instructions for coordinating and reporting substantive Congressional contacts and other Federal agency contacts at the Washington, D.C. level.
ER 140-1-2 CECW-OE U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Individual Mobilization Augmentee (IMA) Program 9/1/1991 Augments existing Army policy documents on IMA Program Management.
ER 15-1-16 CEHR-D USACE Human Resources Development Steering Committee 4/1/1996 This regulation establishes the roles, responsibilities and composition of the USACE Human Resources Development (HRD) Steering Committee Training Issues Committee (CETIC) and the Career.
ER 15-1-26 CEHR-L, DAEN-PEC-L Corps of Engineers SES Incentive Awards Committee 7/31/1986 Establishes the Corps of Engineers Senior Executive Service Incentive Award Committee (SES-IAC) and define its composition and responsibilities.
ER 15-1-38 CERE-PS Corps of Engineers Real Estate Automation Oversight Committee 9/1/1992 Establishes the Real Estate Automation Oversight Committee (REAOC) and its objectives, composition, organization, and responsibilities.
ER 15-1-41 CECW-E Corps of Engineers Specifications Steering Committee (CSSC) 10/30/2015 This regulation Supersedes ER 15-1-41, dated 1 May 2006, Prescribes the objectives, composition, and responsibilities of the Corps of Engineers Specifications Steering Committee (CSSC).
ER 15-2-12 CEHR-L Corps of Engineers Committee for the Negotiation of Labor Agreement with the Marine Engineers Beneficial Assn.(MEBA) and International Organization of Masters, Mates and Pilots (IOMMP) 1/21/1983 Establishes and defines the composition and responsibilities of the Corps of Engineers Committee for the Negotiation of Labor Agreements with the Marine Engineers Beneficial Association (MEBA) and the International Organization of Masters, Mates and Pilots (IOMMP).
ER 15-2-13 CECW-CE Greater Mississippi River Basin Water Management Board 4/30/2013 Establishes and prescribes the objectives, composition, responsibilities and authority for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) Greater Mississippi River Basin Water Management Board.
ER 15-2-14 CECW-CE Committees on Tidal Hydraulics, River Engineering, Water Quality, and Hydrologic Engineering 6/16/2017 This regulation supersedes ER 15-2-14, dated 24 April 1992.  This regulation prescribes the objectives, composition and responsibilities of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Committees on Tidal Hydraulics, River Engineering, Water Quality and Hydrologic Engineering.
ER 190-1-53 CECO-P DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY SECURITY GUARDS, AND SECURITY GUARD SERVICE CONTRACTS 7/11/2018 This engineering regulation (ER) prescribes policy, and standards for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Department of the Army Security Guard and Contract Security Guard (DASG/CSG) program.  It assigns responsibilities and procedures for the effective implementation of the DASG/CSG Program.  This ER applies to USACE civilians in career series 0085 and to contract security personnel employed by USACE.
ER 200-1-1 CEMP-RA Policy and General Requirements for the Environmental Innovative Technology Program 5/30/2000 Provides specific policy and guidance for the development, implementation, and documentation of the Innovative Technology Program to foster the successful transfer of new and innovative environmental technologies to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) projects.
ER 200-1-4 CECW-I; CEMP-CE; CECC-E Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program 8/29/2014 This ER Supersedes ER 200-1-4 Dated 30 August 2003
ER 200-1-5 CEMP-R, CECW-P Policy for Implementation and Integrated Application of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Environmental Operating Principles (EOP) and Doctrine 10/30/2003 Provides specific policy and guidance for implementation and the integrated application of USACE's Environmental Operation Principle (EOP) and associated doctrine across the full spectrum of USACE's program management initiatives and business processes.
ER 200-1-7 CEMP-CE Chemical Data Quality Management for Environmental Restoration Activities 11/28/2014
ER 200-2-2 CECW-PO Procedures for Implementing NEPA 3/4/1988 Provides guidance for implementation of the procedural provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act (ENPA) for the Civil Works Program of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
ER 25-1-106 CECI-ZA Information Techonology Capital Planning and Investment Management 10/31/2014 This regulation establishes policy, roles and responsibilities for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Information Technology (IT) Capital Planning and Investment Management (CPIM) process as prescribed by the Clinger Cohen Act of 1996 and Army Regulation 25-1, Army Information Technology. This ER supersedes ER 25-1-106, dated 22 June 2006 and ER 25-1-2, dated 31 August 1999.
ER 25-1-113 CECW-CO USACE Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity Mandatory Center of Expertise 1/31/2019 his regulation establishes policies, roles, and responsibilities for the U.S Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity Mandatory Center of Expertise (UCIC-MCX) to assure that new and existing projects and facilities with control systems that are owned and operated by USACE are secured and authorized according to applicable Department of Defense and Army regulations.
ER 25-2-1 CECW-BD Annual Report of the Secretary of the Army on Civil Works Activities (RCS: CONG-1006) 9/30/1997 Sets the schedule for submission and establishes the procedures to be followed in the preparation of material for Volume II of the Annual Report of the Secretary of the Army on Civil Works Activities.
ER 25-60-1 CECI-PID Record and Information Management Program 12/2/2021 This regulation establishes policies, responsibilities, and mandated procedures for managing the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Records and Information Management Program (RIMP). Policies and procedures will ensure that records are properly managed from creation and receipt through final disposition according to Federal Laws, regulations, Department of Defense (DoD) and Army recordkeeping requirements.
ER 27-1-1 CECC-K Claims, Litigation, and Procurement Fraud 9/15/1996 Establishes policy, responsibility, and guidance  for processing claims and litigation involving the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
ER 27-2-2 CECC-ZA Procedures for Implementation and Enforcement of the Rules of Professional Conduct for Attorneys 2/29/1996 Establishes responsibilities for advancing and enforcing the Rules of Professional Conduct for Lawyers (AR 27-26) (Rules) and the procedures for reporting, processing, investigating and taking appropriate action on reports or allegations of violations of the Rules in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), as required by Rule 10.1.
ER 350-3-3 CEHR-M USACE/USMA/ROTC Cadet Training Program (CDEP) 5/12/2012 Defines procedures for the USACE/Military Academy (USMA) /Cadet Command (USACC) Cadet Engineer Program (CDEP).
ER 37-1-18 CERM-B U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sponsored and Co-sponsored Meetings 8/10/2004 Provides guidance and instructions for conducting all USACE sponsored/co-sponsored meetings and outlines specific procedures for all USACE non-training meetings/conferences/workshops that involve 25 or more Department of Army (DA) personnel in a TDY status.
ER 37-1-24 CERM-B Operating Budgets 12/31/2001 Provides policy guidance for the preparation and utilization of operating budgets.
ER 37-1-28 CERM-F Continuing Resolution Authority (CRA) 4/30/2013 Change 1 - Establishes the procedures by which the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) activities will operate under and immediately following the enactment and the subsequent termination of one or more Continuing Resolutions.
ER 37-1-31 CERM-B Financial Administration - Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Executing Operations 8/1/2002 Establishes the policies, responsibilities and basic procedures for the management of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) resources (Executive Direction and Management & Operation and Maintenance, Army) (ED&M & OMA).
ER 37-1-32 CERM-B Regional Operating Budget 10/31/2016 This regulation provides policy guidance for the preparation and utilization of regional operating budgets. This regulation is not intended to replace or duplicate the policy contained in higher headquarters regulations; rather, it provides guidance specifically applicable to the Corps of Engineers.
ER 37-2-15 CERM-B Civil Works Appropriations Budget Supporting Data (RCS: CERM-B-13) 10/6/1995 Assigns responsibilities and provides instructions for preparation and submission of civil budget supporting data for civil works appropriations and allocation accounts (transfer appropriations).
ER 385-1-100 CESO-E ARC Flash Hazard Program 9/30/2014
ER 385-1-11 CESO Industrial Hygiene Program. 6/1/2021 This regulation establishes policy, outlines responsibility, and provides procedure for the management and execution of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Industrial Hygiene Program (IHP).
ER 385-1-224 CESO USACE Safety Award and Recognition Program 6/29/2012 Establishes the criteria and procedures for the Chief of Engineers Safety Awards and Recognition Program, guidance for USACE participation in Department of the Army Safety Awards, and guidance for the establishment of safety award and recognition programs at Subordinate Commands
ER 385-1-40 CESO Occupational Health Program 9/20/2010 Prescribes policies, outlines responsibilities, and provides procedures for the development and execution of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Occupational Health (OH) Program
ER 385-1-80 CESO Ionizing Radiation Protection 6/30/2010 Assigns safety and health responsibilities to Safely and effectively, use radioactive materials.
ER 385-1-85 CESO Safety and Occupational Health Program Management Evaluation 7/31/1991 Establishes policy and programs for evaluating the efforts of USACE major subordinate commands, laboratories, and separate field operating activities in managing their Safety and Occupational Health (SOH) Programs in accordance with upper-level directives.
ER 385-1-89 CESO Hearing Conservation Program 10/15/2012 The purpose of this document is to prevent occupational related hearing loss among U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) personnel
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