Engineer Regulations

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Pub Number Proponent Title Pub Date Latest Review Info
ER 1105-2-101 CECW-CP /CECW-CE Risk Assessment for Flood Risk Management Studies with Errata Sheet 7/15/2019 This regulation provides guidance on risk assessment requirements for flood management studies including but not limited to feasibility studies, post-authorization changes, general reevaluation studies, dam and levee safety studies, and major rehabilitation studies
ER 210-3-2 CEMP-CI Army Range and Training Support System Program 9/30/2022 This regulation defines specific responsibilities and policies for the planning,  programming, design, and construction of training ranges and Training Support Systems (TSS)  facilities established in Army Regulation (AR) 350-52.
ER 25-1-115 CECI-PID Guidance for Preparation and Processing of Information Management Collections 5/30/2023 Collections requiring approval by the OMB
ER 25-30-1 CECI Guidance for Preparation and Processing of Publications and Forms 3/1/2021 Reinstated effective. 2023 11 02
ER 1105-2-103 CECW-P Policy for Conducting Civil Works Planning Studies 11/7/2023 Supersedes Chapters 1-2 of ER 1105-2-100 dated 22April2000
ER 1110-2-103 CECW-EC Strong-Motion Instruments for Monitoring and Recording Earthquake Motions 1/3/2024 Supersedes ER 1110-2-103 dated 6/11/2020
ER 1110-2-1802 CECW-EC Post-Earthquake Inspections and Reporting for Civil Works Structures 12/21/2023 Supersedes ER 1110-2-1802 dated 7/28/2017
ER 1110-1-8175 CECW-EC Protective Design Mandatory Center of Expertise 1/25/2024
ER 1110-2-8166 CECW-EC Geotechnical, Geology, and Materials Community of Practice Organization 5/15/2024 GGM CoP - Effective 15 June 2024
ER 1165-2-217 CECW Civil Works Review Policy, Water Resource Policies and Authorities 9/2/2024 This Engineer Regulation (ER) establishes policy and procedures for acomprehensive accountable review strategy for Civil Works by providing a seamless process for review of all projects throughout the lifecycle.
ER 690-1-1217 CEHR-E Hiring and Retention Incentives 9/30/2024 This regulation defines hiring and retention incentives available for use by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers organizations for recruitment and retention purposes.
ER 600-1-54 CEHR Family Readiness US Army Corps of Engineers Family Readiness Program 11/22/2024 This regulation establishes policy and assigns responsibilities for supporting U.S. Army Corps of Engineers family readiness and the Army Family Action Plan, hereinafter referred to as the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Family Readiness Program.
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