Engineer Regulations

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Pub Number Proponent Title Pub Date Latest Review Info
ER 95-1-1 CECS-A Control and Use of Aircraft 3/1/1982 Prescribes the policies and procedures for the control and use of aircraft and/or operated within the Corps of Engineers.
ER 385-1-90 CESO Safety-Respiratory Protection Policy 4/30/2020 To establish a respiratory protection program for the Corps of Engineers in order to reduce occupational repiratory disease and related respiratory problems among USACE personnel.
ER 1110-345-721 CECW-EC U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Medical Facilities Mandatory Center of Expertise and Standardization 11/20/2020 This regulation sets forth the authority, policy, roles and responsibilities of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Medical Facilities Mandatory Center of Expertise (MCX) and Standardization, also known as the Medical Facilities MCX.
ER 1110-2-1455 CECW-EC Cooperative Hydrologic Data Programs 10/30/2020 This regulation establishes policy, provides background, and discusses management of hydrologic data programs such as the Cooperative Stream Gaging Program between the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and the United States Geological Survey (USGS), and the Cooperative Reporting Network Program conducted by the National Weather Service (NWS).
ER 840-1-1 CECG Use and Display of Flags by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 11/1/2019 Specifies the procedures to be followed for the use and display of all flags, including the major command flag, the major subordinate command flag, and USACE' "castle" flag.
ER 10-1-46 CERM-OO U.S. Army Engineer Marine Design Center 3/26/1990 Change 1 updated 03/2013
ER 25-345-1 CECW-EC Commissioning Systems Manual 1/31/2019 This regulation provides policy and guidance for developing a Systems Manual (SM) for each facility designed, constructed, or rehabilitated by the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE).
ER 350-3-5 CEMP-CP/CEHR-M Professional Development of First-Tour United States Army Corps Of Engineers Officers. 6/1/2019 To provide a goal-oriented institutional, operational, and self-development framework that establishes the education, training, and experience of first-term United States ARMY Corps of Engineers (USACE) officers.  This regulation provides guidance that allows Commanders flexibility to mold their officers into effective members of their teams while providing knowledge and skills necessary for functional positions and future assignments within the USACE.
ER 385-1-91 CECW-ON, CESO-P Training, Testing, and Licensing for Operator of Class A and Class 1 Motorboats 9/1/2019 Establishes policy and procedures for the training and testing and licensing of operators of US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) boats/vessels less than 26 feet in length.
ER 25-1-96 CECI-ZAX Corps of Engineers Library Program 11/14/2022 Establishes policies and assigns responsibilities for the Corps of Engineers Library Program.
ER 1130-2-510 CECW-CO Hydroelectric Power Operations and Maintenance Policies 7/31/2022 Establishes the policy for the operation and maintenance of USACE hydroelectric power generation facilities and related structures at civil works water resource project.
ER 1110-2-4401 CECW-EC Clearances for Electric Power Supply Lines and Communication Lines Over Reservoirs 2/28/2021 Defines the minimum vertical clearances to be provided when relocating or replacing existing or when constructing new power and communication lines over waters of reservoir projects. Definitions are provided in paragraph 5.
ER 1105-2-100 CECW-P Planning Guidance Notebook 4/22/2000 Appendix H is superseded by EP 1105-2-61; Guidance for evaluation framework used in USACE flood damage reduction studies.
ER 37-1-26 CERM-F Issuance and Acceptance of Project Orders 8/3/2020 This regulation promulgates the conditions and terms upon which the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) activities may issue and accept “project orders.”
ER 690-1-500 CEHR-E Position Management and Classification 6/1/2022 Provides human resources policy guidance, procedures, and criteria for the position management and classification program in the USACE
ER 37-3-22 CERM-F Supervision and Administration Carryover 8/1/2022 This regulation promulgates policy and procedures for the implementation of obligation authority pursuant section 8070 of the Department of Defense Appropriations Act of 2005, Pub. L. 108-287, Title VIII (2004) (commonly known, and hereinafter refer to, as the "S&A Carryover Authority").
ER 37-1-29 CERM-F Financial Management of Capital Investments 12/3/2020 This regulation defines the policies and procedures for the management of capital assets obtained by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
ER 200-3-1 CEMP-CED Environmental Quality - Formerly Used Defense Sites (FUDS) Program Policy 12/14/2022 Provides specific policy and guidance for management and execution of the Former Used Defense Sites (FUDS) program.
ER 11-1-321 CECW-CE Army Programs - Value Engineering 1/1/2011 Provides general policy, procedures, and a framework for the execution of the Value Engineering (VE) elements within the Project Management Business Process (PMBP) of  the USACE.
ER 500-1-30 CEDC-G3 Emergency Employment of Army and Other Resources: The Deployable Tactical Operations System (DTOS) 12/1/2019 Prescribes the policy, requirements, and procedures for the command and control (C2), and operation and maintenance of the Deployable Tactical Operations System (DTOS) for the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE).
ER 1110-3-12 CECW-EC Quality Management 3/25/2021 This engineer regulation (ER) provides policy, guidance, principles, practices, and tools for delivering quality products and services to stakeholders of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE).
ER 385-1-92 CESO Safety and Occupational Health Requirements for Environmental Cleanup Projects 11/1/2018 This regulation identifies the occupational health and safety protection requirements for U.S. Army Corps of Engineer (USACE) managed environmental cleanup projects.
ER 200-2-3 CECW-ON Environmental Compliance Policies 11/30/2022 Establishes the policy for the management of environmental compliance-related operations and maintenance (O^M) activities for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE).
ER 11-2-293 CECO-C Directorate of Contingency Operations - Reemployed Annuitant Program 6/26/2023 prescribes guidance and policy for reemploying and deploying annuitants for various national disaster responses and short-term staffing requirements within USACE and other agencies where specific experience is required.
ER 690-1-1213 CEHR-E Civilian Personnel - Administrative Reemployment Rights for Certain USACE Employees 4/17/2023 Contains guidance on, establishes procedures for, granting and enforcing administrative reemployment rights for USCE personnel in Alaska and Hawaii, and also for all personnel under a PCS and/or TCS in support of programs of national interest.
ER 1100-2-8162 CECW-CE / CECW-P Incorporating Sea level Changes in Civil Works Programs 6/15/2019 his Regulation provides United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) guidance for incorporating the direct and indirect physical effects of projected future sea level change across the project life cycle in managing, planning, engineering, designing, constructing, operating, and maintaining USACE projects and systems of projects.
ER 15-1-36 CECW-CE Steering Committee on Cost Engineering 11/23/2020 This regulation prescribes the objectives, composition, and responsibilities of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Committee on Cost Engineering.
ER 1110-1-1807 CECW-EC Drilling and Invasive Activities at Dams and Levees 6/1/2023 This Regulation Superseded ER 1110-1-1807; Dated 31 December 2014
ER 690-1-1203 CEHR-E Corporate Recruitment and Selection 11/30/2019 his policy guidance defines the requirements and processes for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) corporate recruitment and selection of applicable positions covered under the General Schedule (GS), Defense Civilian Intelligence Personnel System (DCIPS) and positions in the Laboratory Personnel Demonstration Project (Lab Demo)
ER 1165-2-211 CECW-P Operation and Maintenance of Improvements Carried out by Non-Federal Interests to Authorized Harbor or Inland Harbor Projects 12/16/2024 This ER supersedes ER 1165-2-211, dated 4 February 2016
ER 1110-1-8153 CEMP-CED Military Munitions Support Services 10/15/2020 This regulation, in conjunction with the programmatic requirements, roles, and responsibilities established in other Engineering Regulations (ERs), Memoranda of Agreement (MOA) or Understanding (MOU), and other controlling policy or guidance documents for the programs which execute Military Munitions Support Services (M2S2) activities, establishes policies and responsibilities regarding the efficient use and coordination of technical resources within the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE).  The foundation of USACE environmental work is the Environmental Operating Principles as specified in ER 200-1-5.
ER 1110-2-1806 CECW-EC Earthquake Analysis, Evaluation, and Design for Civil Works Project - effective 29 June 2024 5/29/2024 Effective 29Jun2024 - supersedes ER 1110-2-1806, dated 31 May 2016
ER 1110-1-8167 CECW-CE Petroleum Oil and Lubricants Mandatory Center of Expertise 9/15/2016 This regulation sets forth the policies, roles and responsibilities of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Petroleum, Oil, and Lubricants (POL) Mandatory Center of Expertise (MCX), located within Omaha District (CENWO).
ER 1110-2-8163 CECW-CE Ballistic Missile Defense System Mandatory Center of Expertise 9/30/2016 This Engineer Regulation (ER) sets forth the policies, roles, responsibilities and structure of the Ballistic Missile Defense System (BMDS) Mandatory Center of Expertise (MCX) located within the U.S. Army Engineering and Support Center, Huntsville (CEHNC).
ER 405-1-3 CEMP-CR Real Estate Geospatial Data and Mapping 9/30/2016 This Engineer Regulation (ER) describes the requirements and policy for developing and providing geospatial data and related materials for planning, acquisition, management, disposal, and archiving of lands and interested in lands acquired by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) for Department of Army, military and civil works projects.
ER 385-1-31 CESO The Control of Hazardous Energy 11/1/2009 Errata Sheet No.2, Page 7-4, Paragraph 7-3(a): change the word “oversee” to the phrase “coordinate with” To establish consistent procedures and criteria for the safe and reliable control of hazardous energy at USACE operated facilities with full implementation as is practical, but within no longer than two years from the date of this regulation only for items that require budget adjustments to accomplish.
ER 1180-1-8 CECC-C Labor Relations in Construction 11/21/2022 This Regulation supersedes ER 1180-1-8, dated 30 December 2016.
ER 5-1-13 CESI U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Policy on Regional Business Centers (RBC) 2/18/2019 This regulation establishes a standard structure of the Division headquarters and establishes U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) doctrine and policy for managing the RBC.
ER 5-1-11 CECW-CB USACE Business Process 7/31/2018 This regulation establishes policy and doctrine to accomplish all work performed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE).
ER 1110-2-8156 CECW-EC Errata Sheet #1: Engineering and Design Preparation of Water Control Manuals 11/11/2018 The Purpose is to standardized the format, content, and procedures to be followed in the preparation of water control manuals prepared by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineer (USACE)
ER 25-59-1 CEIT-OPI-RE Office Symbols 8/30/2022 This regulation establishes policies, responsibilities, and mandated procedures for managing the construction, approval, and use of office symbols throughout the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
ER 37-1-30 CERM-F Accounting and Reporting 9/1/2022 This regulation sets forth the principles and standards governing the design and operation of the financial/cost accounting and reporting systems for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). This prescribes the statutory and regulatory requirements concerning management and accounting for USACE.
ER 1140-1-211 CEMP-CN Support for Others: Reimbursable Services. 3/24/2023 This regulation provides guidance on USACE providing reimbursable services to Department of Defense (DoD) and non-DoD entities, with the exception of services or other support arrangements described under paragraph 6.  The USACE Homepage contains a web site for the Interagency and International Services (IIS) program which is located at: .
ER 690-1-1215 CEHR-D USACE Telework Program 5/13/2021 This regulation prescribes policies, assigns responsibilities, and outlines procedures for participation in the USACE Telework Program.
ER 5-1-10 CEMP-IS USACE Work Assignments and Responsibility 1/26/2022 This regulation establishes policy and procedures for the assignment of work within the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE).
ER 385-1-86 CESO U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Dive Safety Program 11/23/2021 Precribes policies, program responsibilites, and qualifications of personnel for underwater diving operations performed by the US Army Corps of Engineers employees.
ER 360-1-1 CEPA Public Affairs 2/28/2022 This regulation establishes policies and procedures, assigns responsibilities and provides direction and guidance for conducting the Public Affairs Program of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
ER 1105-2-102 CECW-P Watershed Studies 4/1/2022 This Regulation establishes an accountable strategy for conducting watershed studies withU.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) participation.
ER 1110-1-8158 CECW-CE Centers of Expertise Program 4/1/2022 Prescribes policy and guidance concerning CX use by USACE major subordinate commands (MSC), districts, laboratories, and field operating activities (FOA).
ER 1110-1-8168 CECW-EC Roles and Responsibilities of the Inland Navigation Design Center Mandatory Center of Expertise 4/30/2022 This regulation establishes the roles and responsibilities of the Inland Navigation Design Center (INDC) Mandatory Center of Expertise (MCX)
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