Engineer Manuals

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Pub Number Proponent Title Pub Date Latest Review Info
EM 385-1-97 CESO-E Explosives - Safety and Health Requirements Manual 5/17/2013 All Munitions and Explosives of Concern (MEC) encountered on jobsites shall be treated as extremely dangerous and must be reported immediately. MEC is Unexploded Ordnance (UXO), Discarded Military Munitions (DMM), or Munitions Constituents (MC) in sufficient amounts or concentrations to pose an explosive hazard.
EM 1110-3-131 CEMP-ET Flexible Pavements for Roads, Streets, Walks and Open Storage Areas - Mobilization Construction 4/9/1984 Provides guidance for designing flexible pavements for roads, streets, walks, and open storage areas for U .S  Army mobilization facilities .
EM 1110-2-2502 CECW-EC Flood Walls and other Hydraulic Retaining Walls 8/1/2022 This manual provides guidance and information for the selection, design, inspection, evaluation, maintenance, repair, and rehabilitation of floodwalls and other hydraulic retaining walls.
EM 1110-2-1417 CECW-EH Flood-Runoff Analysis 8/31/1994 This manual describes methods for evaluating flood-runoff characteristics of watersheds. Guidance is provided in selecting and applying such methods to support the various investigations required for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) civil works activities.
EM 1110-2-2300 CECW-EG General Design and Construction Considerations For Earth and Rock-Fill Dams 7/30/2004 This manual presents fundamental principles underlying the design and construction of earth and rock-fill dams. The general principles presented herein are also applicable to the design and construction of earth levees.
EM 1110-3-130 CEMP-ET Geometrics for Roads, Streets, Walks, and Open Storage Areas - Mobilization Construction 4/9/1984 Provides guidance for design and layout of roads, streets, walks, and open storage areas for U .S  Army mobilization facilities .
EM 1110-1-1802 CECW-EG Geophysical Exploration for Engineering and Environmental Investigations 8/31/1995 Provides an introduction to geophysical exploration for engineering, geological, and environmental (to include Hazardous, Toxic and Radioactive Waste (HTRW)) investigations.
EM 1110-1-2909 CECW-CE Geospatial Data and Systems 9/1/2012 Provides detailed technical guidance and procedures for compliance with the policy in Engineer Regulation (ER) 1110-1-8156, Policies, Guidance, and Requirements for Geospatial Data and Systems, which establishes general criteria for the use and development of geospatial technologies throughout the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE).
EM 1110-1-1804 CECW-ET Geotechnical Investigations 1/1/2001 This manual establishes criteria and presents guidance for geotechnical investigations during the various stages of development for both civil and military projects.
EM 1110-2-2200 CECW-ED Gravity Dam Design 6/30/1995 Provides technical criteria and guidance for the planning and design of concrete gravity dams for civil works projects.
EM 1110-2-1421 CECW-EH Groundwater Hydrology 2/28/1999 Provides guidance to Corps of Engineers personnel who are responsible for groundwater-related projects.
EM 1110-2-3506 CECW-EG Grouting Technology 3/31/2017 This manual supersedes EM 1110-2-3506, dated January 1984. The purpose of this manual is to provide detailed technical guidance and criteria for civil works grouting applications..
EM 1110-2-1606 CECW-EH-D Hydraulic Design - Surges in Canals - Change 1 3/1/1949 Problem of surges which occur in navigation canals as a result of lock operations, since a full discussion of other unsteady flow phenomena which may occur in open channels would be feasible only in a large treatise.
EM 1110-2-1613 CECW-CE Hydraulic Design of Deep Draft Navigation Projects 5/31/2006 Provides design guidance for improving deep-draft navigation projects. The design goal applicable to project development is to provide a safe, efficient, environmentally sound, and cost-effective waterway for ships and other vessels. An economic objective is to provide for these goals while minimizing and balancing the initial construction costs and future maintenance costs.
EM 1110-2-1601 CECW-EH-D Hydraulic Design of Flood Control Channels 7/1/1991 Presents procedures for the design analysis and criteria of design for improved channels that carry rapid and/or tranquil flows.
EM 1110-2-1610 CECW-CE Hydraulic Design of Lock Culvert Valves 9/30/2018 Presents hydraulic design data on control valves for navigation lock filling and emptying systems
EM 1110-2-1605 CECW-EH-D Hydraulic Design of Navigation Dams 5/12/1987 Provides current guidance and engineering procedures for the hydraulic design of navigation dams.
EM 1110-2-1604 CECW-EH-D Hydraulic Design of Navigation Locks 5/1/2006 Presents the results of research, design studies, and operation experience as guidance for the hydraulic design of navigation locks.
EM 1110-2-1602 CECW-EH-D Hydraulic Design of Reservoir Outlet Works 10/15/1980 This manual presents guidance for the hydraulic design  and analysis of reservoir outlet works facilities.
EM 1110-2-1615 CECW-EH-D Hydraulic Design of Small Boat Harbors 9/25/1984 Provides guidance for planning, layout, and design of small boat harbor projects.
EM 1110-2-1603 CECW-ED-H Hydraulic Design of Spillways 1/16/1990 Provides guidance for the hydraulic design of spillways for flood control or multi  dams.
EM 1110-2-1003 CECW-CE I CECW-OD Hydrographic Surveying 11/30/2013 this manual provides technical guidance for specifying requirements and performing hydrographic survey of USACE river and harbor navigation projects, water control projects, and shore protection projects.
EM 1110-2-1413 CECW-CE HYDROLOGIC ANALYSIS OF INTERIOR AREAS 8/24/2018 The purpose of this manual is to provide guidance in hydrologic analysis of interior areas for planning, design investigations, and flood risk reduction.  The document was developed to supply the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) field offices with procedural and technical guidance in performing hydrologic assessments of interior areas. *This Engineer Manual supersedes EM 1110-2-1413, dated 15 January 1987.
EM 1110-2-1419 CECW-EH-Y Hydrologic Engineering Requirements for Flood Damage Reduction Studies 1/31/1995 This manual presents basic principles and technical procedures for hydrologic engineering analysis of flood damage reduction measures.
EM 1110-2-1415 CECW-EH-Y Hydrologic Frequency Analysis 3/5/1993 Provides guidance and procedures for frequency analysis of: flood flows, low flows, precipitation. water surface elevation, and flood damage.
EM 1110-2-1701 CECW-EH Hydropower 12/31/1985 Provides guidance on the technical aspects of hydroelectric power studies, from the preauthorization level through the General Design Memorandum (GDM) stage.
EM 1110-2-1612 CECW-EH Ice Engineering 10/30/2002 This manual, composed of three parts, presents in Part I the current guidance for the planning, design, construction, and operation and maintenance of is control and ice suppression measures for Corps of Engineers projects; provides in Part II the current guidance for dealing with ice jams and resultant flooding, including preventative measures; and gives in Part III the current guidance for engineering and operational solutions to ice problems on rivers used for navigation.
EM 1110-3-176 CEMP-ET Incinerators - Mobilization Construction 4/9/1984 Provides guidance for the design of incinerators for combustible waste materials at U.S  Army mobilization facilities .
EM 1110-2-6055 CECW-CE / CECW-CO Inland Electronic Navigational Chart Engineering Manual 2/27/2015 This manual provides technical and administrative guidance for development, production, publication, and maintenance oflnland Electronic Navigational Charts (IENCs).
EM 200-1-19 CEMP-CE IN-SITU AIR SPARGING 12/31/2013 the primary purpose of this EM is to provide guidance for evaluation of the feasibility of in-situ air sparging (IAS) for remediation of contaminated groundwater and soil.
EM 1110-2-6054 CECW-ED Inspection, Evaluation and Repair of Hydraulic Steel Structures 12/1/2001 Describes the inspection, evaluation, and repair of hydraulic steel structures, including preinspection identification of critical locations (such as fracture critical members and various connections) that require close examination.
EM 1110-2-4300 CECW-ED Instrumentation for Concrete Structures 11/30/1987 Provides guidance and information related to the instrumentation of concrete structures and the measurement of structural behavior.
EM 1110-2-1908 CECW-EC Instrumentation of Embankment Dams and Levees 11/30/2020 This manual provides guidance to US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) personnel who are responsible for instrumentation, monitoring, and assessing the performance of embankment dams and levees.
EM 1110-2-1906 CECW-EG Laboratory Soils Testing 8/20/1986 This manual presents recommended testing procedures for making determinations of the soil properties to be used in the design of civil works projects.
EM 200-1-22 CEMP-CE Landfill Gas Collection and Treatment Systems 4/30/2013 Establishes criteria and guidance for landfill gas collection and treatment systems. The foundation of Corps of Engineers environmental work is the Environmental Operating Principles as specified in ER 200-1-5.
EM 1110-2-1611 CECW-ED Layout and Design of Shallow-Draft Waterways 12/31/1980 Provides guidance for planning, layout and design of shallow-draft waterways
EM 1110-1-4008 CEMP-RA Liquid Process Piping 5/5/1999 Provides information for the design of liquid process piping.
EM 1110-2-1424 CECW-CE Lubricants and Hydraulic Fluids 1/29/2016 This EM supersedes EM 1110-2-1424, Dated 28 Feb 99
EM 1110-2-3600 CECW-CE Management of Water Control Systems 10/10/2017 This publication supersedes EM 1110-2-3600 30 November 1987. This Engineer Manual (EM) provides guidance to field offices for water manage-ment at all U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) owned and Corps-operated reservoirs, locks, dams, and other water control projects in which water storage is managed and operated for multi-ple authorized purposes such as flood risk management, navigation, and other uses.
EM 1110-2-2610 CECW-CE Mechanical and Electrical Design for Lock and Dam Operating Equipment 6/30/2013 Provides  guidance in the mechanical and electrical design of navigation lock and dam operating equipment and control systems for both new construction and the rehabilitation of existing projects.
EM 1110-2-3006 CECW-EC Mechanical and Electrical Design of Hydroelectric Power Plants 4/22/2024 Supersedes EM 1110-2-3006 dated 30JUN1994 and EM 1110-5-4205 dated 30JUN1995
EM 1110-2-3105 CECW-CE Mechanical and Electrical Design of Pumping Stations 4/30/2020  This manual provides guidance and information to engineering, operations, maintenance, and to other individuals responsible for the mechanical and electrical design, operation, and maintenance of civil works (CW) pump stations including for flood risk management, environmental projects, lock dewatering and temporary pumping.
EM 1110-1-1003 CECW-EE Navstar Global Positioning System Surveying 2/28/2011 Provides technical specifications and procedural guidance for surveying and mapping with the Global Positioning System (GPS) and other Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS).
EM 1110-2-3400 CECW-EE Painting: New Construction and Maintenance 4/30/1995 Provides painting guidance to engineering, operations, maintenance, and construction personnel and other individuals responsible for the protection of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) structures.
EM 1110-3-138 CEMP-ET Pavement Criteria for Seasonal Frost Conditions - Mobilization Construction 4/9/1984 Provides guidance for the design and construction of pavements placed on sub grade or base course materials subject to seasonal frost action .
EM 1110-1-1000 CECW-CE Photogrammetric and LiDAR Mapping 4/30/2015 Errata 01 Sheet added on 03/25/2016; This Manual supersedes EM 1110-1-1000, dated 1 July 2002.
EM 1110-2-3001 CECW-ED Planning and Design of Hydroelectric Power Plant Structures 10/10/2008 Provides guidance for structural planning and design of hydroelectric power plants.
EM 1110-2-2607 CECW-ED Planning and Design of Navigation Dams 7/31/1995 This manual is issued for guidance of individuals and elements within the Corps of Engineers engaged in the structural planning, layout, and design of navigation dams for civil works projects. The structural design of gates is not covered in this manual.
EM 1110-2-2602 CECW-ED Planning and Design of Navigation Locks 9/30/1995 This manual is issued for guidance of engineers and design offices within the Corps of Engineers engaged in the planning, engineering layout, analysis, and design of navigation locks for civil works navigation projects on inland waterways.
EM 1110-1-4012 CECW-ET Precipitation/Coagulation/Flocculation 11/15/2001 This Engineer Manual (EM) was written to provide guidance for determining if precipitation, coagulation, flocculation (P/C/F) systems are applicable and guidance on how to properly design, specify, and operate P/C/F systems to remove dissolved heavy metals from aqueous waste streams.
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