Engineer Regulations

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Pub Number Proponent Title Pub Date Latest Review Info
ER 700-1-1 CELD-ZA USACE Supply Policies and Procedures 4/30/2015 Provides policy for the acquisition, accountability, management, and disposal of supplies and personal property used within USACE.
ER 690-1-1215 CEHR-D USACE Telework Program 5/13/2021 This regulation prescribes policies, assigns responsibilities, and outlines procedures for participation in the USACE Telework Program.
ER 5-1-10 CEMP-IS USACE Work Assignments and Responsibility 1/26/2022 This regulation establishes policy and procedures for the assignment of work within the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE).
ER 350-3-3 CEHR-M USACE/USMA/ROTC Cadet Training Program (CDEP) 5/12/2012 Defines procedures for the USACE/Military Academy (USMA) /Cadet Command (USACC) Cadet Engineer Program (CDEP).
ER 840-1-1 CECG Use and Display of Flags by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 11/1/2019 Specifies the procedures to be followed for the use and display of all flags, including the major command flag, the major subordinate command flag, and USACE' "castle" flag.
ER 1165-2-114 CECW-PR USE OF EXCESS POWER REVENUES TO ASSIST IN REPAYMENT OF IRRIGATION COSTS 6/25/1964 Summarizes the position of the Chief of Engineers with respect to the use of excess power revenues to assist in repayment of irrigation costs associated with Federal irrigation projects.
ER 1110-2-240 CECW-CE Water Control Management 5/30/2016 This Engineer Regulation supersedes previous versions of ER 1110-2-240, dated 8 October 1982 and ER 1110-2-241, dated 24 May 1990
ER 1110-2-8154 CECW-EC Water Quality Management 5/31/2018 The purpose of this regulation is to provide direction for the water quality management of U.S Army Corps of Engineers’ (Corps) Civil Works projects.
ER 1-2-2 CECW-PL Water Resources Policies and Authorities Substantive Congressional Contacts (RCS: CECW-P-21) 7/1/1991 Is to prescribe requirements and give instructions for coordinating and reporting substantive Congressional contacts and other Federal agency contacts at the Washington, D.C. level.
ER 1105-2-102 CECW-P Watershed Studies 4/1/2022 This Regulation establishes an accountable strategy for conducting watershed studies withU.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) participation.
ER 415-4-41 CEMP-MF Work Authorization and Funds for Air Force and Air Force Military Construction 3/31/1993 Prescribes the procedures and responsibilities for funding and authorization of Air Force Reserve and Air Force Family Housing military construction (MILCON) projects from design through construction.
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