Engineer Regulations

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Pub Number Proponent Title Pub Date Latest Review Info
ER 1110-2-8157 CECW-CE, CECW-CO Responsibility for Hydraulic Steel Structures 6/15/2009 Defines engineering responsibilities for design, construction and operation of hydraulic steel structures.
ER 1105-2-101 CECW-CP /CECW-CE Risk Assessment for Flood Risk Management Studies with Errata Sheet 7/15/2019 This regulation provides guidance on risk assessment requirements for flood management studies including but not limited to feasibility studies, post-authorization changes, general reevaluation studies, dam and levee safety studies, and major rehabilitation studies
ER 10-1-54 CECW-CE Roles and Responsibilities Modeling, Mapping, and Consequences Production Center 6/30/2013 Establishes the roles and responsibilities of the national Modeling, Mapping, and Consequences (MMC) Production Center mandatory center of expertise and standardization located within the Vicksburg District, US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE).
ER 1110-1-8168 CECW-EC Roles and Responsibilities of the Inland Navigation Design Center Mandatory Center of Expertise 4/30/2022 This regulation establishes the roles and responsibilities of the Inland Navigation Design Center (INDC) Mandatory Center of Expertise (MCX)
ER 10-1-53 CECW-CE Roles and Responsibilities, Hydroelectric Design Center 4/30/2015 This regulation updates the roles and responsibilities of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers District, Portland, Hydroelectric design Center (HDC) as the Mandatory Center of Expertise (MCX) for hydroelectric power economic evaluation, engineering and design and a Technical Center of Expertise (TCS) for pumping plant engineering and design. It also prescribes the requirements for the level of involvement by HDC in U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (UACE) hydropower work provides guidance for interfacing the resources of HDC with ose of the requesting USACE command.
ER 10-1-51 CECW-CE Roles and Responsibillities - Dam Safety Modification Mandatory Center of Expertise 9/28/2012 Establishes the roles and responsibilities of the Dam Safety Modification Mandatory Center of Expertise (DSMMCX) located within the Huntington District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE).
ER 385-1-85 CESO Safety and Occupational Health Program Management Evaluation 7/31/1991 Establishes policy and programs for evaluating the efforts of USACE major subordinate commands, laboratories, and separate field operating activities in managing their Safety and Occupational Health (SOH) Programs in accordance with upper-level directives.
ER 385-1-92 CESO Safety and Occupational Health Requirements for Environmental Cleanup Projects 11/1/2018 This regulation identifies the occupational health and safety protection requirements for U.S. Army Corps of Engineer (USACE) managed environmental cleanup projects.
ER 385-1-95 CESO Safety and Requirements for Operations and Activities Involving Munitions and Explosives of COncern 12/31/2014 This ER supersedes ER 385-1-95, dated 30 Mar 07
ER 1110-2-1156 CECW-CE Safety of Dams - Policy and Procedures 3/31/2014 NOTE:  Chapters 13 & 16 are RESCINDED on 1Oct2022 --   This regulation supersedes EC 1110-2-6071; EC 1165-2-210; PB 2013-01; ECB 2012-17 and ER 1110-2-1156, Dated 26 Oct 2011
ER 385-1-90 CESO Safety-Respiratory Protection Policy 4/30/2020 To establish a respiratory protection program for the Corps of Engineers in order to reduce occupational repiratory disease and related respiratory problems among USACE personnel.
ER 1130-2-406 CECW-ON SHORELINE MANAGEMENT AT CIVIL WORKS PROJECTS 10/31/1990 Provides policy and guidance on management of shorelines of  Civil Works projects where 36 CFR Part 327 is applicable.
ER 1110-1-8716 CECW-CO Sign Standards Program Mandatory Center of Expertise 10/21/2024
ER 1165-2-123 CECW-PR SINGLE-OWNER SITUATIONS 10/30/1992 Provides policy guidance regarding Corps interest in pursuing proposed Civil Works project or separable elements which would directly serve a single entity.
ER 1110-1-8155 CECW-CE Specifications 10/30/2015 Prescribes specifications policy and requirement for both Civil Works and Military Construction, incorporates Total Army Quality principles and the Project Management Business Process, implements MIL-STD-3007.
ER 415-2-100 CECW-OC Staffing for Civil Works Projects 1/15/1993 Establishes and affirms policies and procedures governing construction staffing for Civil Works projects.
ER 15-1-36 CECW-CE Steering Committee on Cost Engineering 11/23/2020 This regulation prescribes the objectives, composition, and responsibilities of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Committee on Cost Engineering.
ER 5-1-15 CESI-P Strategic Management 12/1/2009 Change 2 included, dated 31 May 2016
ER 1110-2-103 CECW-EC Strong-Motion Instruments for Monitoring and Recording Earthquake Motions 1/3/2024 Supersedes ER 1110-2-103 dated 6/11/2020
ER 1110-345-53 CEMP-ET STRUCTURAL STEEL CONNECTIONS 7/22/1994 Prescribes the policy and procedures for the design and approval of structural steel connections for military construction projects
ER 1110-2-1403 CECW-EH, CERD-C Studies by Coastal, Hydraulic, and Hydrologic Facilities and Others 1/1/1998 Prescribes policy and procedures for approval and technical supervision of coastal, hydraulic, and hydrologic studies related to planning, design, construction, and operation of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) civil works projects.
ER 1165-2-209 CECW-P Studies of Water Resources Development Projects by Non-Federal Interest 2/4/2016 This Engineer Regulation supersedes ER 1165-2-122, dated 26 August 1991
ER 1125-2-307 CECW-CO SUBSISTENCE, QUARTERS, AND ALLOWANCES 2/1/2011 Prescribes procedures for the operation of messing and quartering facilities on Civil Works floating plant and the requirements and conditions for furnishing subsistence and/or quarters.
ER 37-3-22 CERM-F Supervision and Administration Carryover 8/1/2022 This regulation promulgates policy and procedures for the implementation of obligation authority pursuant section 8070 of the Department of Defense Appropriations Act of 2005, Pub. L. 108-287, Title VIII (2004) (commonly known, and hereinafter refer to, as the "S&A Carryover Authority").
ER 1140-1-211 CEMP-CN Support for Others: Reimbursable Services. 3/24/2023 This regulation provides guidance on USACE providing reimbursable services to Department of Defense (DoD) and non-DoD entities, with the exception of services or other support arrangements described under paragraph 6.  The USACE Homepage contains a web site for the Interagency and International Services (IIS) program which is located at: .
ER 1110-2-8153 CECW-EH-Y Technical Project Sedimentation Investigations 9/30/1995 Prescribes the procedure and rationale for conducting sedimentation investigations in support of the hydrologic analysis, hydraulic design of civil works
projects, and environmental impact analyses.
ER 385-1-31 CESO The Control of Hazardous Energy 11/1/2009 Errata Sheet No.2, Page 7-4, Paragraph 7-3(a): change the word “oversee” to the phrase “coordinate with” To establish consistent procedures and criteria for the safe and reliable control of hazardous energy at USACE operated facilities with full implementation as is practical, but within no longer than two years from the date of this regulation only for items that require budget adjustments to accomplish.
ER 1110-345-723 CECW-CE TOTAL BUILDING COMMISSIONING PROCEDURES 3/31/2017 This Engineering Regulation (ER) supersedes ER 1110-345-723, Systems Commissioning Procedures, dated 31 July 1995. This regulation provides policy and guidance for developing total building commissioning procedures and executing/documenting commissioning activities for delivering facilities and systems starting with the planning phase and continuing through the post occupancy phase.
ER 385-1-91 CECW-ON, CESO-P Training, Testing, and Licensing for Operator of Class A and Class 1 Motorboats 9/1/2019 Establishes policy and procedures for the training and testing and licensing of operators of US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) boats/vessels less than 26 feet in length.
ER 415-345-38 CEMP-EC Transfer and Warranties 6/30/2000 Prescribes U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) policy and procedures for the transfer of completed construction projects and for implementing warranties.
ER 55-1-2 CELD-T Transportation and Travel Management 10/1/2002 Contains policy, assigns responsibilities, and provides procedures for requesting, authorizing, funding, and performing official travel of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) military and civilian personnel.
ER 1110-34-1 CECW-CE Transportation Systems Mandatory Center of Expertise 10/31/2016 This regulation supersedes Engineer Regulation 1110-34-1, dated 10 January 1990. This regulation sets forth the authority, policy, roles and responsibilities of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Transportation Systems Mandatory Center of Expertise, also known as the USACE Transportation Systems Center (TSC).
ER 10-1-16 CERM-O U.S. Army Coastal Engineering Research Board 7/31/1992 Establishes the organization and defines the functions of the US Army Coastal Engineering Research Board.
ER 385-1-86 CESO U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Dive Safety Program 11/23/2021 Precribes policies, program responsibilites, and qualifications of personnel for underwater diving operations performed by the US Army Corps of Engineers employees.
ER 10-1-50 CEMP-CE U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Environmental and Munitions Mandatory Center of Expertise 4/30/2012 Defines the mission and the organization of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Environmental and Munitions Mandatory Center of Expertise (EMMCE).
ER 140-1-2 CECW-OE U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Individual Mobilization Augmentee (IMA) Program 9/1/1991 Augments existing Army policy documents on IMA Program Management.
ER 1110-345-721 CECW-EC U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Medical Facilities Mandatory Center of Expertise and Standardization 11/20/2020 This regulation sets forth the authority, policy, roles and responsibilities of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Medical Facilities Mandatory Center of Expertise (MCX) and Standardization, also known as the Medical Facilities MCX.
ER 5-1-13 CESI U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Policy on Regional Business Centers (RBC) 2/18/2019 This regulation establishes a standard structure of the Division headquarters and establishes U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) doctrine and policy for managing the RBC.
ER 37-1-18 CERM-B U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sponsored and Co-sponsored Meetings 8/10/2004 Provides guidance and instructions for conducting all USACE sponsored/co-sponsored meetings and outlines specific procedures for all USACE non-training meetings/conferences/workshops that involve 25 or more Department of Army (DA) personnel in a TDY status.
ER 10-1-11 CERM-OO U.S. Army Engineer Housing Support Center 7/20/1989 Please contact the Publications POC.
ER 10-1-46 CERM-OO U.S. Army Engineer Marine Design Center 3/26/1990 Change 1 updated 03/2013
ER 10-1-45 CERM-O U.S. Army Topographic Engineering Center (TEC) 5/1/1993 Defines the mission and establishes the organization of the US Army Topograghic Engineering Center (TEC).
ER 385-1-99 CESO USACE Accident Investigation and Reporting 3/15/2010 Establishes policies and procedures and assigns responsibilities for initial notification, investigation, preparation and submission of reports of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) accidents and accident recordkeeping procedures
ER 1110-2-111 CECW-EC/CECW-CO USACE Bridge Safety Program 1/31/2020 This regulation defines the policy for the management, periodic inspection, evaluation, program administration, and document management of bridges owned by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) on Civil Works projects.
ER 5-1-11 CECW-CB USACE Business Process 7/31/2018 This regulation establishes policy and doctrine to accomplish all work performed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE).
ER 1130-2-554 CECW-CO USACE Conditions Assessment. 3/30/2021 This policy establishes the requirements for collection of condition data which will be communicated to both internal and external stakeholders in a consistent format for all U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Civil Works (CW) assets
ER 25-1-113 CECW-CO USACE Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity Mandatory Center of Expertise 1/31/2019 his regulation establishes policies, roles, and responsibilities for the U.S Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity Mandatory Center of Expertise (UCIC-MCX) to assure that new and existing projects and facilities with control systems that are owned and operated by USACE are secured and authorized according to applicable Department of Defense and Army regulations.
ER 385-1-96 CESO-I USACE Ergonomics Program Policy 6/1/2000 Establishes responsibilities necessary to manage and execute an effective and compliant ergonomics program.
ER 15-1-16 CEHR-D USACE Human Resources Development Steering Committee 4/1/1996 This regulation establishes the roles, responsibilities and composition of the USACE Human Resources Development (HRD) Steering Committee Training Issues Committee (CETIC) and the Career.
ER 500-1-20 CECW-OE-D USACE R&D and Other Separate FOA Support to Preparedness, Response and Recovery for Emergencies and Disasters 10/15/1985 Provides guidance and procedures for utilization of US Army Corps of Engineers Research and Development (R&D) activities and other separate field (FOA), in support of emergency preparedness for and operations due to natural and/or man-made disasters.
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