Engineer Regulations

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Pub Number Proponent Title Pub Date Latest Review Info
ER 15-1-38 CERE-PS Corps of Engineers Real Estate Automation Oversight Committee 9/1/1992 Establishes the Real Estate Automation Oversight Committee (REAOC) and its objectives, composition, organization, and responsibilities.
ER 70-1-5 CERD-ZA Corps of Engineers Research and Development Program 12/31/1989 Prescribes USACE (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers) policy and delegates the authority for managing and executing the USACE Military, Civil Works and Mission Support Research and Development (R&D) programs.
ER 15-1-26 CEHR-L, DAEN-PEC-L Corps of Engineers SES Incentive Awards Committee 7/31/1986 Establishes the Corps of Engineers Senior Executive Service Incentive Award Committee (SES-IAC) and define its composition and responsibilities.
ER 15-1-41 CECW-E Corps of Engineers Specifications Steering Committee (CSSC) 10/30/2015 This regulation Supersedes ER 15-1-41, dated 1 May 2006, Prescribes the objectives, composition, and responsibilities of the Corps of Engineers Specifications Steering Committee (CSSC).
ER 5-1-18 CECW-CE Corps Project Notebook: a Database of Project Geographic Locations 6/30/2016 This regulation provides guidance for updating the USACE Corps Project Notebook (CPN). The purpose of the CPN is to provide a single authoritative reference database of the location of all Corps Civil Works, Military, and Interagency and International support projects. This database is used as the primary data source for all USACE enterprise applications that map and perform Geographic Information System (GIS) analyses.
ER 1110-2-1454 CECW-EH Corps Responsibilities for Non-Federal Hydroelectric Power Development under the Federal Power Act 7/15/1983 Provides policy and guidance for review of preliminary permit and license applications for non-Federal hydroelectric power development either at or affecting US Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) water re80urce projects.
ER 1110-1-1300 CEMP-EC CECW-EC Cost Engineering Policy and General Requirements 3/26/1993 Provides cost engineering policy, guidance, and procedures for all projects assigned to USACE for Civil Works, Military, and Environmental Restoration Programs
ER 1165-2-502 CECW-P Delegation of Review and Approval Authority for Post-Authorization Decision Documents 3/31/2014 This regulation supersedes ER 1165-2-502; dated 31 March 2007
ER 1110-3-113 CECW-CE Department of the Army Facilities Standardization Program 4/21/2016 This Engineer Regulation supersedes ER 1110-3-113, dated 27 September 1993
ER 190-1-53 CECO-P DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY SECURITY GUARDS, AND SECURITY GUARD SERVICE CONTRACTS 7/11/2018 This engineering regulation (ER) prescribes policy, and standards for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Department of the Army Security Guard and Contract Security Guard (DASG/CSG) program.  It assigns responsibilities and procedures for the effective implementation of the DASG/CSG Program.  This ER applies to USACE civilians in career series 0085 and to contract security personnel employed by USACE.
ER 1110-345-700 CEMP-EA DESIGN ANALYSIS, DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS 5/30/1997 Provides USACE wide consistent criteria and requirements for developing design and engineering document, specifications, for military construction and/or Hazardous, Toxic and Radioactive Waste projects including EPA Super fund.
ER 415-1-13 CEMP-CE Design and Construction Evaluation (DCS) 2/29/1996 Prescribes the administrative and technical evaluation and reporting system for the Military and Civil Works Construction Program.
ER 1110-1-8162 CECW-CE Design and Construction Policy For Electronic Security Systems 1/31/2014 This regulation establishes policies, roles, responsibilities, and procedures for the USACE to execute electronic security (ESS) projects and ESS portions of projects.
ER 1110-1-8163 CECW-CE Design and Construction Policy for Utility Monitoring and Control Systems 1/31/2014 This regulation establishes policies, roles, responsibilities, and procedures for the USACE to execute utility monitoring and control systems (UMCS) projects and UMCS Portions of projects.
ER 1110-2-400 CEMP-ET Design of Recreation Sites, Areas, and Facilities 5/31/1988 Establishes policy, and guidance for the design of recreation sites, areas, and facilities.
ER 1110-345-100 CEMP-EA DESIGN POLICY FOR MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 2/15/1994 Establishes policies, responsibilities, and procedures for the design of military facilities.
ER 1180-1-9 CECW-CE DESIGN-BUILD CONTRACTING 3/31/2012 Prescribes authorities and procedures for the use of design-build contracting by USACE.
ER 11-2-293 CECO-C Directorate of Contingency Operations - Reemployed Annuitant Program 6/26/2023 prescribes guidance and policy for reemploying and deploying annuitants for various national disaster responses and short-term staffing requirements within USACE and other agencies where specific experience is required.
ER 670-3-1 CESM Distinctive Unit Insignia and Shoulder Sleeve Insignia for US Army Corps of Engineers and Regimental Distinctive Unit Insignia for the Corps of Engineers 12/30/1988 Prescribes the policy concerning the wear of the US Army Corps of Engineers distinctive unit insignia (DUI) and shoulder sleeve insignia (SSI), and regimental distinctive unit insignia (RDUI) for members of the Corps of Engineers regiment.
ER 1110-1-1807 CECW-EC Drilling and Invasive Activities at Dams and Levees 6/1/2023 This Regulation Superseded ER 1110-1-1807; Dated 31 December 2014
ER 1110-2-1941 CECW-EC Drought Contingency Plans 2/28/2018 .  This regulation provides policy and guidance for the preparation of drought contingency plans as part of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ (USACE) overall water management activities.
ER 1110-2-1806 CECW-EC Earthquake Analysis, Evaluation, and Design for Civil Works Project - effective 29 June 2024 5/29/2024 Effective 29Jun2024 - supersedes ER 1110-2-1806, dated 31 May 2016
ER 500-1-1 CECW-OE Emergency Employment of Army and Other Resources - Civil Emergency Management Program 9/30/2001 Prescribes policies for the Civil Emergency Management (CEM) Program of the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) under the authories of 33 USC 701n (commonly referred to as Public Law (PL) 84-99); the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 USC 5121 et seq) Army Regulation (AR) 500-60, Disaster Relief; and Engineer Regulation (ER) 1130-2-530, Flood Control Operations and Maintenance Policies.
ER 500-1-28 CECW-HS Emergency Employment of Army and Other Resources - National Response Planning Guide 1/31/2011 Establishes policy, provides planning guidance and assigns responsibilities to ensure timely execution of Emergency Support Function (ESF) #3, Public Works and Engineering, in support of the National Response Framework (NRF), and for high impact, low probability catastrophic events, as determined by Headquarters, USACE (HQUSACE).
ER 500-1-30 CEDC-G3 Emergency Employment of Army and Other Resources: The Deployable Tactical Operations System (DTOS) 12/1/2019 Prescribes the policy, requirements, and procedures for the command and control (C2), and operation and maintenance of the Deployable Tactical Operations System (DTOS) for the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE).
ER 1110-1-8173 CECW-EC Energy Modeling and Life Cycle Cost Analysis 12/31/2017 The purpose of this Engineering Regulation (ER) is to provide direction and guidance for the application of energy modeling and Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) in design decisions and alternative analyses for building and structures. This ER is effective when issued.
ER 1110-1-8159 CECW-CE Engineering and Design - DRCHECKS 1/1/2015 This ER supersedes ER 1110-1-8159, dated 10 May 2001
ER 1110-2-1150 CECW-EP Engineering and Design for Civil Works Projects 8/31/1999 Defines engineering responsibilities, requirements, and procedures during the planning, design, construction, and operations phases of civil works projects. The regulation provides guidance for developing and documenting quality engineering analyses and designs for projects and products on time and in accordance with project management policy for civil works activities.
ER 1110-1-8170 CECW-CE Engineering and Design Policies for using the USACE Survey Monument Archival and Retrieval Tool (U-SMART) for Project Control and Boundary Monumentation 4/28/2017 This regulation establishes U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) policies for storing, managing, and archiving control/boundary points used in surveying for planning, engineering, design, construction, operations and maintenance, and other USACE related mapping activities.
ER 1110-1-8169 CECW-EC Engineering and Design United States Army Corps of Engineers Facilities Explosive Safety Mandatory Center of Expertise 10/1/2018 Provides guidance and procedures by which the USACE Commands and other Department of Defense (DoD) and Government agencies can obtain services from the FES MCX located within the U.S Army Engineering and Supports Center (CEHNC) located in Huntsville, AL
ER 1110-1-1901 CECW-CE Engineering and Design, Construction PROJECT GEOTECHNICAL AND MATERIALS COMPLETION REPORT 2/28/2017 This regulation supersedes ER 1110-1-1901, dated 22 Feb 1999. Engineer Regulation ER-1110-1-1901 establishes the requirement for documenting all as-constructed geotechnical and materials aspects of major, complex, and uniquely engineered projects constructed by USACE.
ER 1110-2-8160 CECW-CE, CECW-CO, CECW-P Engineering and Design: Policies for Referencing Project Evaluation Grades To Nationwide Vertical Datums 3/1/2009 Establishes U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) policies for referencing project elevation grades to nationwide vertical datums established and maintained by the U.S. Department of Commerce.
ER 200-2-3 CECW-ON Environmental Compliance Policies 11/30/2022 Establishes the policy for the management of environmental compliance-related operations and maintenance (O^M) activities for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE).
ER 200-3-1 CEMP-CED Environmental Quality - Formerly Used Defense Sites (FUDS) Program Policy 12/14/2022 Provides specific policy and guidance for management and execution of the Former Used Defense Sites (FUDS) program.
ER 1110-3-1301 CECW-EC ENVIRONMENTAL REMEDIATION AND REMOVAL PROGRAMS 12/30/2016 This regulation supersedes ER 1110-3-1301, dated 10 March 1999. Environmental Remediation and Removal Programs Cost Engineering
ER 1130-2-540 CECW-ON ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP APERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE POLICIES 11/15/1996 Establishes land management policy for Corps administered project lands and water
ER 1110-2-500 CEMP-CE EPA/USACE Superfund Program Funding and Reporting Requirements 10/31/2011 Provides general policy and guidance for establishing procedures governing the funds management and reporting requirements for Interagency
Agreements (IAAs) issued by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) for the EPA Superfund Program.
ER 1110-2-8156 CECW-EC Errata Sheet #1: Engineering and Design Preparation of Water Control Manuals 11/11/2018 The Purpose is to standardized the format, content, and procedures to be followed in the preparation of water control manuals prepared by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineer (USACE)
ER 1165-2-27 CECW-PR ESTABLISHEMENT OF WETLANDS AREAS IN CONNECTION WITH DREDGING 8/18/1989 Provides guidance for the establishment of wetland areas in connection with dredging required as part of water resources development projects.
ER 600-1-54 CEHR-Z FamilyReadiness Deployment Cycle or Families: Requirements to Assist Family Members During the Deployment of US Army Corps of Engineers Soldiers and Civilian employees. 5/17/2010 Assigns responsibilities and establish policies and procedures to assist USACE Soldiers, Department of the Army (DA) Civilian employees, and Family members during deployments in support of an overseas contingency operation or disaster response.
ER 1165-2-130 CECW-PR FEDERAL PARTICIPATION IN SHORE PROTECTION 6/15/1989 Provides policies and guidelines for determining the extent of Federal participation in potential federal projects for protection from shore erosion, hurricanes, and abnormal tidal and lake flooding that result in damages or losses to coastal resources and/or development.
ER 1110-2-1925 CECW-EG Field Control Data for Earth and Rockfill Dams 7/3/1969 Prescribes responsibilities and procedures for reporting field control data for earth and rockfill dams.
ER 870-1-1 CEHO Field Operating Activities Historical Programs 4/30/1990 Establishes the general responsibilities and procedures governing field operating activities (FOA) historical programs.
ER 37-1-31 CERM-B Financial Administration - Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Executing Operations 8/1/2002 Establishes the policies, responsibilities and basic procedures for the management of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) resources (Executive Direction and Management & Operation and Maintenance, Army) (ED&M & OMA).
ER 415-345-13 CEMP-CM Financial Closeout 8/15/1989 Establishes policy for financial closeout of projects after acceptance of military contracts.
ER 37-1-29 CERM-F Financial Management of Capital Investments 12/3/2020 This regulation defines the policies and procedures for the management of capital assets obtained by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
ER 415-1-16 CEMP-CM Fiscal Management 9/30/1993 This regulation establishes the policies andprocedures to be used in the financial management of the construction function at the district/operating major subordinate command (MSC) level.
ER 1165-2-121 CECW-PD FLOOD CONTROL COST-SHARING REQUIREMENTS UNDER THE ABILITY-TO-PAY PROVISION SECTION 103(M) OF PL 99-662 11/1/1989 Gives general instructions on the implementation as it applies to flood control projects.
ER 1130-2-530 CECW-OM FLOOD CONTROL OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE POLICIES 10/30/1996 Establishes the policy for the operation and maintenance of USACE flood control and related structures at civil works water resource project and of USACE-built flood protection projects operated and maintained by non-Federal sponsors.
ER 1165-2-21 CECW-PR FLOOD DAMAGE REDUCTION MEASURES IN URBAN AREAS 10/30/1980 Provides policies and guidance for COE participation in urban flood damage reduction projects and establishes criteria to distinguish between improvements to be accomplished by the Corps under flood control authorities and storm sewer systems to be accomplished by local interests.
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