Engineer Regulations

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Pub Number Proponent Title Pub Date Latest Review Info
ER 10-1-46 CERM-OO U.S. Army Engineer Marine Design Center 3/26/1990 Change 1 updated 03/2013
ER 1110-2-1406 CECW-EH Coastal Field Data Collection 4/30/1990 Describes the Coastal Field Data Collection (CFDC) Program and establishes the procedures by which the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers gathers, archives, and disseminates coastal field data.
ER 870-1-1 CEHO Field Operating Activities Historical Programs 4/30/1990 Establishes the general responsibilities and procedures governing field operating activities (FOA) historical programs.
ER 1130-2-406 CECW-ON SHORELINE MANAGEMENT AT CIVIL WORKS PROJECTS 10/31/1990 Provides policy and guidance on management of shorelines of  Civil Works projects where 36 CFR Part 327 is applicable.
ER 1110-8-2(FR) CECW-EH Inflow Design Floods for Dams and Reservoirs 3/1/1991 Sets forth hydrologic engineering requirements for selecting and accommodating Inflow Design Floods (IDF) for dams and reservoirs.
ER 1-2-2 CECW-PL Water Resources Policies and Authorities Substantive Congressional Contacts (RCS: CECW-P-21) 7/1/1991 Is to prescribe requirements and give instructions for coordinating and reporting substantive Congressional contacts and other Federal agency contacts at the Washington, D.C. level.
ER 385-1-85 CESO Safety and Occupational Health Program Management Evaluation 7/31/1991 Establishes policy and programs for evaluating the efforts of USACE major subordinate commands, laboratories, and separate field operating activities in managing their Safety and Occupational Health (SOH) Programs in accordance with upper-level directives.
ER 140-1-2 CECW-OE U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Individual Mobilization Augmentee (IMA) Program 9/1/1991 Augments existing Army policy documents on IMA Program Management.
ER 1110-2-112 CECW-E CECW-O Required Visits to the Construction Sites by Design Personnel 4/15/1992 Requires periodic and timely visits to construction sites by Corps of Engineers design and design review personnel.
ER 1110-2-1463 CECW-EH Hydrologic Engineering for Hydropower 5/30/1992 Defines the scope, authorities, and requirements for hydrologic engineering studies performed in support of hydropower studies for both conventional
and pumped-storage hydroelectric projects.
ER 1165-2-132 CECW-PO HAZARDOUS, TOXIC AND RADIOACTIVE WASTE GUIDANCE FOR CIVIL WORKS PROJECTS 6/26/1992 Provides guidance for consideration of issues and problems associated with HTRW which may be located within project boundaries or may affect or be affected by Corps Civil Works Projects.
ER 10-1-16 CERM-O U.S. Army Coastal Engineering Research Board 7/31/1992 Establishes the organization and defines the functions of the US Army Coastal Engineering Research Board.
ER 15-1-38 CERE-PS Corps of Engineers Real Estate Automation Oversight Committee 9/1/1992 Establishes the Real Estate Automation Oversight Committee (REAOC) and its objectives, composition, organization, and responsibilities.
ER 1165-2-123 CECW-PR SINGLE-OWNER SITUATIONS 10/30/1992 Provides policy guidance regarding Corps interest in pursuing proposed Civil Works project or separable elements which would directly serve a single entity.
ER 415-2-100 CECW-OC Staffing for Civil Works Projects 1/15/1993 Establishes and affirms policies and procedures governing construction staffing for Civil Works projects.
ER 1110-1-1300 CEMP-EC CECW-EC Cost Engineering Policy and General Requirements 3/26/1993 Provides cost engineering policy, guidance, and procedures for all projects assigned to USACE for Civil Works, Military, and Environmental Restoration Programs
ER 415-4-41 CEMP-MF Work Authorization and Funds for Air Force and Air Force Military Construction 3/31/1993 Prescribes the procedures and responsibilities for funding and authorization of Air Force Reserve and Air Force Family Housing military construction (MILCON) projects from design through construction.
ER 10-1-45 CERM-O U.S. Army Topographic Engineering Center (TEC) 5/1/1993 Defines the mission and establishes the organization of the US Army Topograghic Engineering Center (TEC).
ER 415-1-16 CEMP-CM Fiscal Management 9/30/1993 This regulation establishes the policies andprocedures to be used in the financial management of the construction function at the district/operating major subordinate command (MSC) level.
ER 1110-345-100 CEMP-EA DESIGN POLICY FOR MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 2/15/1994 Establishes policies, responsibilities, and procedures for the design of military facilities.
ER 1110-2-1464 CECW-EH-Y Hydrologic Analysis of Watershed Runoff 6/30/1994 Defines the scope, authorities, and analysis and reporting requirements for performing watershed-runoff analyses associated with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers studies.
ER 1110-345-53 CEMP-ET STRUCTURAL STEEL CONNECTIONS 7/22/1994 Prescribes the policy and procedures for the design and approval of structural steel connections for military construction projects
ER 1110-2-1450 CECW-EH-Y Hydrologic Frequency Estimates 8/31/1994 Defines the scope of analysis, reporting, and coordination requirements for determining frequency estimates of hydrologic variables.
ER 1110-2-249 CECW-EH-W Management of Water Control Data Systems 8/31/1994 Provides guidance for the management of water control data systems including the equipment and software used for acquisition, transmission, and processing of real-time data used to regulate water projects for which the Corps of Engineers is responsible.
ER 1110-2-8152 CECW-ED Planning and Design of Temporary Cofferdams and Braced Excavation 8/31/1994 Provides directives for procedures to be followed while planning and designing temporary construction for cofferdams and unwatered excavations
on major civil works projects.
ER 1110-2-401 CECW-E Operation, Maintenance, Repair, Replacement, and Rehabilitation Manual for Projects and Separable Elements Managed by Project Sponsors 9/30/1994 Provides instructions for the preparation of operation and maintenance manuals outlining the responsibilities of those local sponsors that have
entered into binding agreements with the Secretary of the Army to be solely responsible for the operation, maintenance, repair, replacement, and rehabilitation
(OMRR&R), and to pay 100 percent of the associated project costs.
ER 1110-2-8153 CECW-EH-Y Technical Project Sedimentation Investigations 9/30/1995 Prescribes the procedure and rationale for conducting sedimentation investigations in support of the hydrologic analysis, hydraulic design of civil works
projects, and environmental impact analyses.
ER 1180-1-6 CEMP-CE CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT 9/30/1995 Provides general policy and guidance for establishing quality management procedures in the execution of construction contracts.  And defines the related responsibilities and rolls of both the contractor and the government.
ER 37-2-15 CERM-B Civil Works Appropriations Budget Supporting Data (RCS: CERM-B-13) 10/6/1995 Assigns responsibilities and provides instructions for preparation and submission of civil budget supporting data for civil works appropriations and allocation accounts (transfer appropriations).
ER 500-1-2 CECW-OE-P Corps of Engineers Mobilization and Operations Planning and Execution Systems (CEMOPES) Theater of Operations (TO) 10/30/1995 Planning and Execution System (CEMOPES) - Theater of Operations (TO), is the US Army Corps of Engineers single integrated mobilization, deployment and execution planning system to support TO military contingencies.
ER 1110-2-1404 CECW-EH-D Hydraulic Design of Deep-Draft Navigation Projects 1/31/1996 Prescribes the design procedure and rationale for the hydraulic design of deep-draft navigation projects.
ER 27-2-2 CECC-ZA Procedures for Implementation and Enforcement of the Rules of Professional Conduct for Attorneys 2/29/1996 Establishes responsibilities for advancing and enforcing the Rules of Professional Conduct for Lawyers (AR 27-26) (Rules) and the procedures for reporting, processing, investigating and taking appropriate action on reports or allegations of violations of the Rules in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), as required by Rule 10.1.
ER 415-1-13 CEMP-CE Design and Construction Evaluation (DCS) 2/29/1996 Prescribes the administrative and technical evaluation and reporting system for the Military and Civil Works Construction Program.
ER 15-1-16 CEHR-D USACE Human Resources Development Steering Committee 4/1/1996 This regulation establishes the roles, responsibilities and composition of the USACE Human Resources Development (HRD) Steering Committee Training Issues Committee (CETIC) and the Career.
ER 27-1-1 CECC-K Claims, Litigation, and Procurement Fraud 9/15/1996 Establishes policy, responsibility, and guidance  for processing claims and litigation involving the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
ER 1130-2-530 CECW-OM FLOOD CONTROL OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE POLICIES 10/30/1996 Establishes the policy for the operation and maintenance of USACE flood control and related structures at civil works water resource project and of USACE-built flood protection projects operated and maintained by non-Federal sponsors.
ER 1130-2-540 CECW-ON ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP APERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE POLICIES 11/15/1996 Establishes land management policy for Corps administered project lands and water
ER 1130-2-550 CECW-ON Recreation Operations and Maintenance Policies 11/15/1996
ER 1130-2-520 CECW-OD NAVIGATION AND DREDGING OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE POLICIES 11/29/1996 Establishes the policy for the operations and maintenance of USACE navigation and dredging project and related structures and equipment.
ER 1130-2-500 CECW-O PARTNERS AND SUPPORT (WORK MANAGEMENT POLICIES) 12/27/1996 Establishes the policy for the management of operation and maintenance activities of USACE personnel performing civil works functions related to flood control, navigation, dredging, hydroelectric power generation, environmental steward ship, and recreation services.
ER 750-1-1 CELD-MS Materiel Maintenance Policies 1/30/1997 Sets policy and establishes responsibilities for the maintenance of military and civil personal property.
ER 1110-345-700 CEMP-EA DESIGN ANALYSIS, DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS 5/30/1997 Provides USACE wide consistent criteria and requirements for developing design and engineering document, specifications, for military construction and/or Hazardous, Toxic and Radioactive Waste projects including EPA Super fund.
ER 1110-2-8151 CECW-EH Monitoring Completed Coastal Navigational Projects 7/31/1997 States the objective, outlines the scope, discusses funding, assigns responsibility, and establishes the procedures by which the Corps of Engineers (CE) evaluates planning, design, construction, and operation and maintenance performance of civil works navigation projects.
ER 25-2-1 CECW-BD Annual Report of the Secretary of the Army on Civil Works Activities (RCS: CONG-1006) 9/30/1997 Sets the schedule for submission and establishes the procedures to be followed in the preparation of material for Volume II of the Annual Report of the Secretary of the Army on Civil Works Activities.
ER 1110-2-8159 CECW-ED Life Cycle Design and Performance 10/31/1997 Defines engineering policies for selection of all systems, components, and materials for Civil Works projects, on the basis of their long-term
ER 1110-2-1407 CECW-EH Hydraulic Design for Coastal Shore Protection Projects 11/30/1997 Defines the hydraulic design engineer�s responsibilities for initial design of coastal shore protection projects, for engineering inspection and evaluation during the construction and subsequent operation of such projects, and for the nourishment of coastal storm damage reduction beach fill projects.
ER 1110-1-8100 CERD-C CECW-EG CEMP-RT Laboratory Investigations and Testing 12/31/1997 Prescribes the responsibilities, policies, and procedures for laboratory investigations, materials and chemistry testing, and analytical services performed in support of design, construction, and operation of Civil Works, Military, and Support-for-Others programs.
ER 1165-2-30 CECW-AG ACCEPTANCE AND RETURN OF REQUIRED, CONTRIBUTED OR ADVANCED FUNDS 12/31/1997 Establishes basic procedures returning appropriate portions of required, contributed or advanced funds from private parties, states, and political subdivisions in connection with Civil Works Projects.  And establishes basic procedures controlling and acceptance and return of such funds.
ER 1110-2-1403 CECW-EH, CERD-C Studies by Coastal, Hydraulic, and Hydrologic Facilities and Others 1/1/1998 Prescribes policy and procedures for approval and technical supervision of coastal, hydraulic, and hydrologic studies related to planning, design, construction, and operation of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) civil works projects.
ER 1110-2-1458 CECW-EH Hydraulic Design of Shallow Draft Navigation Projects 4/30/1998 Prescribes the policy and design procedures for development of a new or replacement of an existing shallow draft navigation project.
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