Engineer Manuals

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Pub Number Proponent Title Pub Date Latest Review Info
EM 1110-2-1606 CECW-EH-D Hydraulic Design - Surges in Canals - Change 1 3/1/1949 Problem of surges which occur in navigation canals as a result of lock operations, since a full discussion of other unsteady flow phenomena which may occur in open channels would be feasible only in a large treatise.
EM 1110-1-2907 CECW-EG Rock Reinforcement 2/15/1980 Outlines techniques ,and procedures of rock reinforcement for underground and surface structures in civil engineering works.
EM 1110-2-1602 CECW-EH-D Hydraulic Design of Reservoir Outlet Works 10/15/1980 This manual presents guidance for the hydraulic design  and analysis of reservoir outlet works facilities.
EM 1110-2-1611 CECW-ED Layout and Design of Shallow-Draft Waterways 12/31/1980 Provides guidance for planning, layout and design of shallow-draft waterways
EM 1110-1-501 CEMP-ET, DAEN-CWE-BU, DAEN-MPE-D Process Design Manual for Land Treatment of Municipal Wastewater 5/20/1982 Provides a description of  the basic principles of land treatment and to present a rational procedure for the planning and design of land treatment systems.
EM 1110-2-410 CECW Design of Recreation Areas and Facilities - Access and Circulation 12/31/1982 Presents data compiled from experience and research that should be useful in the design of access and circulation to recreation sites, areas and facilities .
EM 1110-2-504 CECW Engineering and Design - Land Treatment Systems Operation and Maintenance 11/30/1983 This manual has two basic  s  It can be used by the operators of existing and future systems to supplement the operation and maintenance (0&M) information furnished to them-on the mechanical elements in their systems  It can also be used as a guide for the preparation of future 0&M manuals .
EM 1110-3-130 CEMP-ET Geometrics for Roads, Streets, Walks, and Open Storage Areas - Mobilization Construction 4/9/1984 Provides guidance for design and layout of roads, streets, walks, and open storage areas for U .S  Army mobilization facilities .
EM 1110-3-131 CEMP-ET Flexible Pavements for Roads, Streets, Walks and Open Storage Areas - Mobilization Construction 4/9/1984 Provides guidance for designing flexible pavements for roads, streets, walks, and open storage areas for U .S  Army mobilization facilities .
EM 1110-3-132 CEMP-ET Rigid Pavements for Roads, Streets, Walks and Open Storage Areas - Mobilization Construction 4/9/1984 Provides guidance for the design of rigid pavements for roads, streets, walks and open storage areas at U .S  Army mobilization installations .
EM 1110-3-135 CEMP-ET Standard Practice for Concrete Pavements - Mobilization Construction 4/9/1984 Provides information for the investigation of concrete materials, proportioning, and construction of concrete pavements at U .S  Army mobilization facilities .
EM 1110-3-136 CEMP-ET Drainage and Erosion Control Mobilization Construction 4/9/1984 Provides guidance for standards to be used for drainage erosion control for U.S  Army mobilization construction .
EM 1110-3-137 CEMP-ET Soil Stabilization for Pavements - Mobilization Construction 4/9/1984 Provides guidance for the design and improvement of the structural quality and workability of soils used for base courses, sub base courses, select materials, and sub grades for pavements construction for U.S  Army mobilization facilities .
EM 1110-3-138 CEMP-ET Pavement Criteria for Seasonal Frost Conditions - Mobilization Construction 4/9/1984 Provides guidance for the design and construction of pavements placed on sub grade or base course materials subject to seasonal frost action .
EM 1110-3-141 CEMP-ET Airfield Flexible Pavement - Mobilization Construction 4/9/1984 Provides guidance for designing airfield flexible pavement for U .S  Army mobilization facilities .
EM 1110-3-142 CEMP-ET Airfield Rigid Pavement - Mobilization Construction 4/9/1984 Provides guidance for the design of Army airfield rigid pavement at U .S  Army mobilization installations .
EM 1110-3-150 CEMP-ET, DAEN-ECE-G Storage Depots - Mobilization Construction 4/9/1984 Provides guidance for the design and layout of railroads, roadways, storage yards and warehouse site planning for U .S  Army mobilization facilities .
EM 1110-3-152 CEMP-ET Railroads - Mobilization Construction 4/9/1984 Provides guidance for the design and construction of railroad facilities at U .S  Army mobilization installations .
EM 1110-3-160 CEMP-ET Water Supply, General Considerations - Mobilization Construction 4/9/1984 Provides guidance in determining water requirements and in selection and planning of water supply systems for U .S  Army mobilization facilities .
EM 1110-3-161 CEMP-ET Water Supply, Water Sources - Mobilization Construction 4/9/1984 Provides guidance for developing or investigating water sources at U.S  Army mobilization installations.
EM 1110-3-162 CEMP-ET Water Supply, Water Treatment - Mobilization Construction 4/9/1984 This manual establishes water quality standards and design criteria for water treatment processes at U .S  Army mobilization facilities .
EM 1110-3-163 CEMP-ET Water Supply, Water Storage - Mobilization Construction 4/9/1984 Provides guidance in determining water storage requirements for U .S  Army mobilization facilities .
EM 1110-3-164 CEMP-ET Water Supply, Water Distribution - Mobilization Construction 4/9/1984 Provides information for the design and construction of water distribution systems at U.S., Army mobilization installations.
EM 1110-3-166 CEMP-ET Water Supply, Fire Protection - Mobilization Construction 4/9/1984 This manual establishes the minimum water supply requirements for fire protection at U .S  Army mobilization facilities .
EM 1110-3-173 CEMP-ET Sanitary and Industrial Wastewater Pumping - Mobilization Construction 4/9/1984 Provides guidance for the design and construction of sanitary and industrial wastewater pumping facilities at U .S  Army mobilization installations .
EM 1110-3-174 CEMP-ET Sanitary and Industrial Wastewater Collection - Mobilization Construction 4/9/1984 Provides guidance for the design of gravity systems for sanitary and industrial wastewater collection at U .S  Army mobilization facilities .
EM 1110-3-176 CEMP-ET Incinerators - Mobilization Construction 4/9/1984 Provides guidance for the design of incinerators for combustible waste materials at U.S  Army mobilization facilities .
EM 1110-3-177 CEMP-ET Sanitary Landfill - Mobilization Construction 4/9/1984 Provides guidance for the construction and operation of sanitary landfills at U.S  Army mobilization facilities .
EM 1110-3-172 CEMP-ET Domestic Wastewater Treatment - Mobilization Construction 5/11/1984 Provides guidance for the planning and design of domestic wastewater treatment plants at U .S  Army mobilization facilities .
EM 1110-2-1615 CECW-EH-D Hydraulic Design of Small Boat Harbors 9/25/1984 Provides guidance for planning, layout, and design of small boat harbor projects.
EM 1110-2-1701 CECW-EH Hydropower 12/31/1985 Provides guidance on the technical aspects of hydroelectric power studies, from the preauthorization level through the General Design Memorandum (GDM) stage.
EM 1110-2-1906 CECW-EG Laboratory Soils Testing 8/20/1986 This manual presents recommended testing procedures for making determinations of the soil properties to be used in the design of civil works projects.
EM 1110-2-1901 CECW-EG Seepage Analysis and Control for Dams 9/30/1986 This manual presents the fundamental design principles and guidance concerning seepage considerations for design of new dams and the evaluation of existing projects.
EM 1110-2-1605 CECW-EH-D Hydraulic Design of Navigation Dams 5/12/1987 Provides current guidance and engineering procedures for the hydraulic design of navigation dams.
EM 1110-2-1201 CEEC-EH Reservoir Water Quality Analysis 6/30/1987 Provides guidance for the assessment of reservoir water quality conditions, including reservoir pool, releases and tail waters.
EM 500-1-24 CECW-OE-E Corps of Engineers Exercise Manual (COREM) - ANNEX L Classified CONFIDENTIAL -(Stocked and Issued by Proponent) 9/1/1987 Contact the proponent or publications POC for access to this document.
EM 1110-2-4300 CECW-ED Instrumentation for Concrete Structures 11/30/1987 Provides guidance and information related to the instrumentation of concrete structures and the measurement of structural behavior.
EM 1110-2-3104 CECW-ED Structural and Architectural Design of Pumping Stations 6/30/1989 Presents the primary features common to pumping station facilities intended for interior drainage on civil works flood protection projects and to present guidance for their architectural and structural design.
EM 1110-2-1603 CECW-ED-H Hydraulic Design of Spillways 1/16/1990 Provides guidance for the hydraulic design of spillways for flood control or multi  dams.
EM 1110-2-2503 CECW-EP Design of Sheet Pile Cellular Structures Cofferdams and Retaining Structures 6/11/1990 Provisions for the design of sheet pile cellular cofferdams are set forth in ER 1110-2-2901.
EM 1110-1-1904 CECW-EG Settlement Analysis 9/30/1990 Provides guidelines for calculations of vertical displacements and settlement of soil under shallow foundations supporting various types of structures and under embankments.
EM 1110-2-2302 CECW-EG Construction with Large Stone 10/24/1990 This manual establishes criteria and presents guidance for the selection, evaluation, and use of large-stone materials in construction.
EM 1110-2-2906 CECW-ED Design of Pile Foundations 1/15/1991 Provides information, foundation exploration and testing procedures, load test methods, analysis techniques, allowable criteria, design procedures, and construction consideration for the selection, design, and installation of pile foundations.
EM 1110-2-1607 CECW-EH-D Tidal Hydraulics 3/15/1991 Provides current guidance and engineering procedures for the solution of tidal hydraulics problems.
EM 1110-2-1601 CECW-EH-D Hydraulic Design of Flood Control Channels 7/1/1991 Presents procedures for the design analysis and criteria of design for improved channels that carry rapid and/or tranquil flows.
EM 1110-2-1914 CECW-EG Design, Construction, and Maintenance of Relief Wells 5/29/1992 Provides guidance and information on the design, construction, and maintenance of pressure relief wells.
EM 1110-1-1905 CECW-EG Bearing Capacity of Soils 10/30/1992 Provides guidelines for calculation of the bearing capacity of soil under shallow and deep foundations supporting various types of structures and embankments.
EM 1110-2-1415 CECW-EH-Y Hydrologic Frequency Analysis 3/5/1993 Provides guidance and procedures for frequency analysis of: flood flows, low flows, precipitation. water surface elevation, and flood damage.
EM 1110-2-1416 CECW-EH-Y River Hydraulics 10/15/1993 This manual presents basic principles and technical procedures for analysis of open channel flows in natural river systems.
EM 1110-2-2201 CECW-ED Arch Dam Design 5/31/1994 Provides information and guidance on the design, analysis, and construction of concrete arch dams.
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