Engineer Manuals

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Pub Number Proponent Title Pub Date Latest Review Info
EM 1110-3-135 CEMP-ET Standard Practice for Concrete Pavements - Mobilization Construction 4/9/1984 Provides information for the investigation of concrete materials, proportioning, and construction of concrete pavements at U .S  Army mobilization facilities .
EM 1110-3-136 CEMP-ET Drainage and Erosion Control Mobilization Construction 4/9/1984 Provides guidance for standards to be used for drainage erosion control for U.S  Army mobilization construction .
EM 1110-3-137 CEMP-ET Soil Stabilization for Pavements - Mobilization Construction 4/9/1984 Provides guidance for the design and improvement of the structural quality and workability of soils used for base courses, sub base courses, select materials, and sub grades for pavements construction for U.S  Army mobilization facilities .
EM 1110-3-138 CEMP-ET Pavement Criteria for Seasonal Frost Conditions - Mobilization Construction 4/9/1984 Provides guidance for the design and construction of pavements placed on sub grade or base course materials subject to seasonal frost action .
EM 1110-3-141 CEMP-ET Airfield Flexible Pavement - Mobilization Construction 4/9/1984 Provides guidance for designing airfield flexible pavement for U .S  Army mobilization facilities .
EM 1110-3-142 CEMP-ET Airfield Rigid Pavement - Mobilization Construction 4/9/1984 Provides guidance for the design of Army airfield rigid pavement at U .S  Army mobilization installations .
EM 1110-3-150 CEMP-ET, DAEN-ECE-G Storage Depots - Mobilization Construction 4/9/1984 Provides guidance for the design and layout of railroads, roadways, storage yards and warehouse site planning for U .S  Army mobilization facilities .
EM 1110-3-152 CEMP-ET Railroads - Mobilization Construction 4/9/1984 Provides guidance for the design and construction of railroad facilities at U .S  Army mobilization installations .
EM 1110-3-160 CEMP-ET Water Supply, General Considerations - Mobilization Construction 4/9/1984 Provides guidance in determining water requirements and in selection and planning of water supply systems for U .S  Army mobilization facilities .
EM 1110-3-161 CEMP-ET Water Supply, Water Sources - Mobilization Construction 4/9/1984 Provides guidance for developing or investigating water sources at U.S  Army mobilization installations.
EM 1110-3-162 CEMP-ET Water Supply, Water Treatment - Mobilization Construction 4/9/1984 This manual establishes water quality standards and design criteria for water treatment processes at U .S  Army mobilization facilities .
EM 1110-3-163 CEMP-ET Water Supply, Water Storage - Mobilization Construction 4/9/1984 Provides guidance in determining water storage requirements for U .S  Army mobilization facilities .
EM 1110-3-164 CEMP-ET Water Supply, Water Distribution - Mobilization Construction 4/9/1984 Provides information for the design and construction of water distribution systems at U.S., Army mobilization installations.
EM 1110-3-166 CEMP-ET Water Supply, Fire Protection - Mobilization Construction 4/9/1984 This manual establishes the minimum water supply requirements for fire protection at U .S  Army mobilization facilities .
EM 1110-3-172 CEMP-ET Domestic Wastewater Treatment - Mobilization Construction 5/11/1984 Provides guidance for the planning and design of domestic wastewater treatment plants at U .S  Army mobilization facilities .
EM 1110-3-173 CEMP-ET Sanitary and Industrial Wastewater Pumping - Mobilization Construction 4/9/1984 Provides guidance for the design and construction of sanitary and industrial wastewater pumping facilities at U .S  Army mobilization installations .
EM 1110-3-174 CEMP-ET Sanitary and Industrial Wastewater Collection - Mobilization Construction 4/9/1984 Provides guidance for the design of gravity systems for sanitary and industrial wastewater collection at U .S  Army mobilization facilities .
EM 1110-3-176 CEMP-ET Incinerators - Mobilization Construction 4/9/1984 Provides guidance for the design of incinerators for combustible waste materials at U.S  Army mobilization facilities .
EM 1110-3-177 CEMP-ET Sanitary Landfill - Mobilization Construction 4/9/1984 Provides guidance for the construction and operation of sanitary landfills at U.S  Army mobilization facilities .
EM 200-1-13 CECW-CE Environmental Quality: Minimizing the Risk of Legionellosis Associated with Building Water Systems on Army Installations 9/30/2016 The purpose of this report is to disseminate information and guidance to Army installations to help minimize Legionella contamination in building water systems.
EM 200-1-16 CEMP-CE Environmental Quality - Environmental Statistics 5/31/2013 Provides practical guidance for statistical evaluations of environmental chemical data to ultimately improve the quality of decisions.
EM 200-1-19 CEMP-CE IN-SITU AIR SPARGING 12/31/2013 the primary purpose of this EM is to provide guidance for evaluation of the feasibility of in-situ air sparging (IAS) for remediation of contaminated groundwater and soil.
EM 200-1-2 CEMP-RT Technical Project Planning (TPP) Process 2/29/2016 this EM supersedes EM 200-1-2, dated 31 August 1998
EM 200-1-21 CEMP-CE Design: IN SITU Thermal Remediation 5/30/2014 This manual supersedes EM 1110-1-4015; dated 28 August 2009
EM 200-1-22 CEMP-CE Landfill Gas Collection and Treatment Systems 4/30/2013 Establishes criteria and guidance for landfill gas collection and treatment systems. The foundation of Corps of Engineers environmental work is the Environmental Operating Principles as specified in ER 200-1-5.
EM 200-1-4 CEMP-RT Risk Assessment Handbook - Volume I: Human Health Evaluation 1/31/1999 Provides risk assessors with the recommendedbasic/minimum requirements for developing scopes of work, evaluating Architect-Engineer (A-E) prepared human health risk assessments, and documenting risk management options associated with Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste (HTRW) investigations, studies, and designs consistent with principles of good science in defining the quality of risk assessments.
EM 200-1-4 CEMP-RT Risk Assessment Handbook: Volume II - Environmental Evaluation 12/31/2010 Provides risk assessors with the recommended basic/minimum requirements for developing scopes of work, evaluating Architect-Engineer prepared ecological risk assessments, and documenting risk management options associated with Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste (HTRW) and Military Munitions Response Program investigations, studies, and designs consistent with principles of good science in defining the quality of risk assessments.
EM 200-1-6 CEMP-RT Chemical Quality Assurance for Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive (HTRW) Projects 10/10/1997 Provides specific guidance, procedures, criteria, and tools for chemical implementation of the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) HTRW Quality Assurance (QA) Program.
EM 385-1-80 CESO Radiation Protection Manual 9/30/2013 This manual prescribes the requirements of the Radiation Protection Program of the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) contained in Engineer Regulation (ER) 385-1-80, Ionizing Radiation Protection.
EM 385-1-97 CESO-E Explosives - Safety and Health Requirements Manual 5/17/2013 All Munitions and Explosives of Concern (MEC) encountered on jobsites shall be treated as extremely dangerous and must be reported immediately. MEC is Unexploded Ordnance (UXO), Discarded Military Munitions (DMM), or Munitions Constituents (MC) in sufficient amounts or concentrations to pose an explosive hazard.
EM 500-1-24 CECW-OE-E Corps of Engineers Exercise Manual (COREM) - ANNEX L Classified CONFIDENTIAL -(Stocked and Issued by Proponent) 9/1/1987 Contact the proponent or publications POC for access to this document.
EM 1110-2-3800 CECW-EC Engineering and Design Blasting for Rock Excavations. 10/30/2018 Describes theory, concepts, and procedures surrounding rock excavation through the use of blasting agents and methods for use on Civil Works and Military Construction projects. Provide guidance to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers personnel (USACE) involved in the planning, design, monitoring, or implementation of blasting programs for rock excavation
EM 1110-2-1610 CECW-CE Hydraulic Design of Lock Culvert Valves 9/30/2018 Presents hydraulic design data on control valves for navigation lock filling and emptying systems
EM 1110-2-2502 CECW-EC Flood Walls and other Hydraulic Retaining Walls 8/1/2022 This manual provides guidance and information for the selection, design, inspection, evaluation, maintenance, repair, and rehabilitation of floodwalls and other hydraulic retaining walls.
EM 1110-2-3006 CECW-EC Mechanical and Electrical Design of Hydroelectric Power Plants 4/22/2024 Supersedes EM 1110-2-3006 dated 30JUN1994 and EM 1110-5-4205 dated 30JUN1995
EM 1110-2-1908 CECW-EC Instrumentation of Embankment Dams and Levees 11/30/2020 This manual provides guidance to US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) personnel who are responsible for instrumentation, monitoring, and assessing the performance of embankment dams and levees.
EM 1110-2-1420 CECW-EC Engineering and Design Hydrologic Engineering Requirements for Reservoirs 9/24/2018 This manual provides guidance to field office personnel for hydrologic engineering investigations for planning and design of reservoir projects
EM 1110-2-2902 CECW-EC Conduits, Pipes, and Culverts associated with Dams and Levee Systems 12/31/2020 Provides (a) guidance on the design and construction of conduits, culverts, and pipes, and (b) design procedures for trench/embankment earth loadings, highway loadings, railroad loadings, surface concentrated loadings, and internal/external fluid pressures.
EM 1110-2-3105 CECW-CE Mechanical and Electrical Design of Pumping Stations 4/30/2020  This manual provides guidance and information to engineering, operations, maintenance, and to other individuals responsible for the mechanical and electrical design, operation, and maintenance of civil works (CW) pump stations including for flood risk management, environmental projects, lock dewatering and temporary pumping.
EM 1110-1-2910 CECW-CE Remote Sensing 3/10/2021 This Engineer Manual (EM) is intended to promote effective use ofremotely sensed data by all U.S. Anny Corps of Engineers (USACE) divisions and districts.
EM 1110-2-2704 CECW-CE Cathodic Protection Systems for Civil Works Structures 3/31/2021 Provides guidance for the selection, design, installation, operation, and maintenance of Cathodic protection systems (CPSs) for navigation lock gates and other civil works hydraulic structures.
EM 200-1-10 CEMP-CE/CECW-EC Environmental Quality - Guidance for Evaluating Performance-Based Chemical Data 3/1/2021 This Engineer Manual (EM) provides specific guidance, procedures, criteria, and tools to improve the evaluation of chemical environmental data. This Engineer Manual supersedes EM 200-1-10, dated 30 June 2005.
EM 200-1-12 CEMP-CE Environmental Quality: Conceptual Site Models 8/11/2023 Provides guidance to assist any organization or project deliver team involved in evaluation and decision-making for environment response actions where munitions and explosives of concern, chemical warfare material,  and/or hazardous, toxic, and radioactive waste/munitions constituents are known or suspected to be present.
EM 200-1-15 CEMP-CE Environmental Quality Technical Guidance For Military Munitons Response Actions 10/30/2018 This manual provides the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Project Delivery Team with the processes for executing the technical aspects of munitions response (MR) projects. The foundation of Corps of Engineers environmental work is the Environmental Operating Principles as specified in ER 200-1-5. These seven tenets serve as guides and must be applied in all Corps business lines as we strive to achieve a sustainable environment.
EM 405-1-03 CEMP-CR Real State Geospatial Data and Mapping 9/30/2016 This manual provides detailed technical guidance and procedures for compliance with the policy in Engineer Regulation (ER) 405-1-3, Real Estate Geospatial Data and Mapping.
EM 1110-2-3200 CECW-CE Wire Rope For Civil Works Structures 11/30/2016 This manual supersedes EM 1110-2-3200, dated 30 September 1998
EM 1110-2-1612 CECW-EH Ice Engineering 10/30/2002 This manual, composed of three parts, presents in Part I the current guidance for the planning, design, construction, and operation and maintenance of is control and ice suppression measures for Corps of Engineers projects; provides in Part II the current guidance for dealing with ice jams and resultant flooding, including preventative measures; and gives in Part III the current guidance for engineering and operational solutions to ice problems on rivers used for navigation.
EM 1110-2-1304 CECW-EC Civil Works Construction Cost Index System (CWCCIS) 3/31/2021 This engineer manual (EM) is to provide historical and forecasted cost indexes for use in escalating United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Civil Works project costs.
EM 1110-2-2107 CECW-EC Design Of Hydraulic Steel Structures 8/1/2022 This manual prescribes guidance for the design of Hydraulic Steel Structures (HSS) by load and resistance factor design (LRFD).
EM 1110-2-3402 CECW-CE Barge Impact Forces For Hydraulic Structures 8/1/2022 This engineer manual (EM) provides guidance and information for design and evaluation of barge impact forces on inland and coastal navigation structures
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