Engineer Regulations

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Pub Number Proponent Title Pub Date Latest Review Info
ER 1110-1-8174 CECW-EC Military Programs Control System Cybersecurity Mandatory Center of Expertise (CSC-MCX) 10/30/2020 This regulation sets forth the policies, roles and responsibilities of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Military Programs Control Systems Cybersecurity Mandatory Center of Expertise (CSC-MCX). It also defines the Mandatory Services which must be requested by, and provided to, USACE districts executing Military Programs projects that include facility-related control systems or low voltage systems.
ER 350-3-5 CEMP-CP/CEHR-M Professional Development of First-Tour United States Army Corps Of Engineers Officers. 6/1/2019 To provide a goal-oriented institutional, operational, and self-development framework that establishes the education, training, and experience of first-term United States ARMY Corps of Engineers (USACE) officers.  This regulation provides guidance that allows Commanders flexibility to mold their officers into effective members of their teams while providing knowledge and skills necessary for functional positions and future assignments within the USACE.
ER 1110-2-8161 CECW-CE Structural Design And Evaluation Of Civil Works Buildings 2/1/2020 This regulation establishes the criteria for the structural design of new civil works buildings and the structural evaluation of existing civil works buildings.
ER 1165-2-30 CECW-AG ACCEPTANCE AND RETURN OF REQUIRED, CONTRIBUTED OR ADVANCED FUNDS 12/31/1997 Establishes basic procedures returning appropriate portions of required, contributed or advanced funds from private parties, states, and political subdivisions in connection with Civil Works Projects.  And establishes basic procedures controlling and acceptance and return of such funds.
ER 37-1-30 CERM-F Accounting and Reporting 9/1/2022 This regulation sets forth the principles and standards governing the design and operation of the financial/cost accounting and reporting systems for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). This prescribes the statutory and regulatory requirements concerning management and accounting for USACE.
ER 1110-2-1451 CECW-EH Acquisition of Lands Downstream from Spillways for Hydrologic Safety Purposes 8/10/1978 Provides guidance on the acquisition of lands downstream from spillways for the purpose of protecting the public from hazards imposed by spillway discharges. Guidance contained herein is in addition to ER 405-2-150.
ER 56-2-1 CELD-T Administrative Vehicles Management - Civil Works 1/15/1999 Prescribes the definition, methods, techniques and procedures for the management, operation, maintenance, and reporting of all civil works funded motor vehicles assigned the Corps of Engineers.
ER 25-2-1 CECW-BD Annual Report of the Secretary of the Army on Civil Works Activities (RCS: CONG-1006) 9/30/1997 Sets the schedule for submission and establishes the procedures to be followed in the preparation of material for Volume II of the Annual Report of the Secretary of the Army on Civil Works Activities.
ER 1150-2-302 CECW-OM ANNUAL REPORT ON LOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENTS 3/20/1981 This regulation states procedure for reporting requirements of Section 221 of the Flood Control Act of 1970 (P.L. 91-611.
ER 405-1-4 CEMP-CR Appraisal 1/29/2016 This ER rescinds ER 405-1-12, Chapter 4, dated 18 December 1998
ER 385-1-100 CESO-E ARC Flash Hazard Program 9/30/2014
ER 405-4-1 CEMP-CR Army and Air Force Basic Real Estate Agreements 2/11/2019 This regulation implement AR 10-87, Army Commands , Army Service Component Commands and Direct Reporting Units and AFPD 32–90, Real Property Asset Management. It explains the agreements between the Air Force and Army for the acquisition, outgrant, and disposal of real property, as well as other property uses. This regulation does not apply to base closures handled by the Air Force
ER 11-1-321 CECW-CE Army Programs - Value Engineering 1/1/2011 Provides general policy, procedures, and a framework for the execution of the Value Engineering (VE) elements within the Project Management Business Process (PMBP) of  the USACE.
ER 210-3-2 CEMP-CI Army Range and Training Support System Program 9/30/2022 This regulation defines specific responsibilities and policies for the planning,  programming, design, and construction of training ranges and Training Support Systems (TSS)  facilities established in Army Regulation (AR) 350-52.
ER 1130-2-337 CECW-OP ASSIGNMENT OF OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES TO PROPER COST ACCOUNTS FOR MULTIPLE-PURPOSE PROJECTS WITH POWER 7/15/1969 Establishes standard guidelines for making charges to cost account numbers for specific operation and maintenance duties and other expenses at multiple-purpose projects with power and project without at-site power which provide down stream hydroelectric power benefits.
ER 1110-2-8163 CECW-CE Ballistic Missile Defense System Mandatory Center of Expertise 9/30/2016 This Engineer Regulation (ER) sets forth the policies, roles, responsibilities and structure of the Ballistic Missile Defense System (BMDS) Mandatory Center of Expertise (MCX) located within the U.S. Army Engineering and Support Center, Huntsville (CEHNC).
ER 415-1-11 CECW-CE Biddability, Constructability, Operability, Environmental and Sustainability (BCOES) Reviews 1/1/2013 Establishes policy and systematic procedures for conducting effective reviews of a project's Biddability, Environmental, and Sustainability (BCOES) characteristics.
ER 1110-1-2002 CECW-EG Cement, Slag, and Pozzolan Acceptance Testing 9/30/1998 Sets forth policy and responsibilities for acceptance testing of cementitious materials including Portland cement, blended cement, pozzolan, and ground granulated blast-furnace slag (hereinafter referred to as slag).
ER 1110-1-8158 CECW-CE Centers of Expertise Program 4/1/2022 Prescribes policy and guidance concerning CX use by USACE major subordinate commands (MSC), districts, laboratories, and field operating activities (FOA).
ER 200-1-7 CEMP-CE Chemical Data Quality Management for Environmental Restoration Activities 11/28/2014
ER 37-2-15 CERM-B Civil Works Appropriations Budget Supporting Data (RCS: CERM-B-13) 10/6/1995 Assigns responsibilities and provides instructions for preparation and submission of civil budget supporting data for civil works appropriations and allocation accounts (transfer appropriations).
ER 1110-2-1302 CECW-EC Civil Works Cost Engineering, 6/30/2016 This Regulation supersedes ER 1110-2-1302, dated 15 September 2008
ER 11-1-320 CECW-HS Civil Works Emergency Management Programs 2/28/2014 This regulation prescribes policies for the Emergency Management Community of Practice (EM CoP) in the area of Office Homeland Security (CECW-HS) programming, funding, managing and execution of USACE for all hazards preparedness, response, recovery and other contingency operations.
ER 1165-2-217 CECW Civil Works Review Policy, Water Resource Policies and Authorities 9/2/2024 This Engineer Regulation (ER) establishes policy and procedures for acomprehensive accountable review strategy for Civil Works by providing a seamless process for review of all projects throughout the lifecycle.
ER 690-1-1218 CEHR Civilian Drug-Free Workplace Program 6/30/2021 This regulation prescribes policies, assigns responsibilities, and outlines detailed instructions and administrative procedures for the USACE Civilian Drug-Free Workplace Program.
ER 690-1-1213 CEHR-E Civilian Personnel - Administrative Reemployment Rights for Certain USACE Employees 4/17/2023 Contains guidance on, establishes procedures for, granting and enforcing administrative reemployment rights for USCE personnel in Alaska and Hawaii, and also for all personnel under a PCS and/or TCS in support of programs of national interest.
ER 690-1-1214 CEHR-D Civilian Personnel - USACE Leadership Development Program (LDP) 2/28/2011 To develop results oriented, agile leaders with broad perspectives who lead people and lead change successfully in complex environments.  The Corps will use the DoD Civilian Leader Development Framework to develop our leaders.
ER 405-1-21 CEMP-CR Claims and Damages 8/14/2017 This Engineer Regulation (ER) describes the policies and procedures governing the administration of claims involving real estate that are founded on express or implied-in-fact contracts.
ER 27-1-1 CECC-K Claims, Litigation, and Procurement Fraud 9/15/1996 Establishes policy, responsibility, and guidance  for processing claims and litigation involving the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
ER 1110-2-4401 CECW-EC Clearances for Electric Power Supply Lines and Communication Lines Over Reservoirs 2/28/2021 Defines the minimum vertical clearances to be provided when relocating or replacing existing or when constructing new power and communication lines over waters of reservoir projects. Definitions are provided in paragraph 5.
ER 1110-2-1406 CECW-EH Coastal Field Data Collection 4/30/1990 Describes the Coastal Field Data Collection (CFDC) Program and establishes the procedures by which the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers gathers, archives, and disseminates coastal field data.
ER 25-345-1 CECW-EC Commissioning Systems Manual 1/31/2019 This regulation provides policy and guidance for developing a Systems Manual (SM) for each facility designed, constructed, or rehabilitated by the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE).
ER 15-2-14 CECW-CE Committees on Tidal Hydraulics, River Engineering, Water Quality, and Hydrologic Engineering 6/16/2017 This regulation supersedes ER 15-2-14, dated 24 April 1992.  This regulation prescribes the objectives, composition and responsibilities of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Committees on Tidal Hydraulics, River Engineering, Water Quality and Hydrologic Engineering.
ER 1110-1-2005 CECW-EG Compilation of Concrete Aggregate and Stone Riprap Test Data 1/1/1999 Prescribes the procedures for the continuing compilation and distribution of test data on concrete aggregates and stone riprap from sources within the continental United States and Alaska.
ER 690-1-1200 CEHR-OT Completion, Submission, Approval and Distribution of the Request, Authorization, Agreement, Certificate of Training and Reimbursement Form (DD Form 1556) 11/1/1983 Assigns responsibility and establishes procedures for the use of the DD Form 1556, "Request, Authorization, Agreement, Certification of Training and Reimbursement".
ER 415-1-17 CECW-CE Construction Contractor Performance Evaluations 1/24/2012 Establishes procedures for evaluating construction contractor performance.
ER 1165-2-504 CECW-P Construction of Water Resource Development Projects by Non-Federal Interests 7/12/2017 This regulation supersedes ER 1165-2-124, Construction of Harbor or Inland Harbor Projects by Non-Federal Interests, dated 1 October 1990 and ER 1165-2-120, Reimbursement For Advance Non-Federal Construction of Authorized Federal Harbor and Inland Harbor Projects, dated 15 June 1988. This Regulation provides policy guidance for implementation of Section 204 of the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) of 1986, as amended by Section 1014(b) of the Water Resources Reform and Development Act (WRRDA) of 2014 and Section 1127 of the WRDA 2016 (33 United States Code (U.S.C.) 2232)
ER 1180-1-6 CEMP-CE CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT 9/30/1995 Provides general policy and guidance for establishing quality management procedures in the execution of construction contracts.  And defines the related responsibilities and rolls of both the contractor and the government.
ER 415-1-15 CEMP-CP Construction Time Extensions for Weather 10/31/1989 Provides guidance for establishing contract time adjustments for delays resulting from unusually severe weather.
ER 37-1-28 CERM-F Continuing Resolution Authority (CRA) 4/30/2013 Change 1 - Establishes the procedures by which the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) activities will operate under and immediately following the enactment and the subsequent termination of one or more Continuing Resolutions.
ER 415-1-10 CECW-CE Contractor Submittal Procedures 4/30/2012
ER 95-1-1 CECS-A Control and Use of Aircraft 3/1/1982 Prescribes the policies and procedures for the control and use of aircraft and/or operated within the Corps of Engineers.
ER 1110-2-1455 CECW-EC Cooperative Hydrologic Data Programs 10/30/2020 This regulation establishes policy, provides background, and discusses management of hydrologic data programs such as the Cooperative Stream Gaging Program between the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and the United States Geological Survey (USGS), and the Cooperative Reporting Network Program conducted by the National Weather Service (NWS).
ER 690-1-1203 CEHR-E Corporate Recruitment and Selection 11/30/2019 his policy guidance defines the requirements and processes for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) corporate recruitment and selection of applicable positions covered under the General Schedule (GS), Defense Civilian Intelligence Personnel System (DCIPS) and positions in the Laboratory Personnel Demonstration Project (Lab Demo)
ER 1165-2-111 CECW-PR CORPS OF ENGINEERS ACTIVII9TIES UNDER THE SMALL RECLAMATION PROJECT ACT OF 1956, AS ADMEMDED 5/28/1982 Provides guidance regarding COE assistance to applicants for loans from the Bureau if Reclamation under the Small Reclamation Projects Act of 1956 as amended.
ER 500-1-24 CECW-OE-E Corps of Engineers Command Readiness Exercise Program 9/1/1987 Electronic version of document unavailable.
ER 15-2-12 CEHR-L Corps of Engineers Committee for the Negotiation of Labor Agreement with the Marine Engineers Beneficial Assn.(MEBA) and International Organization of Masters, Mates and Pilots (IOMMP) 1/21/1983 Establishes and defines the composition and responsibilities of the Corps of Engineers Committee for the Negotiation of Labor Agreements with the Marine Engineers Beneficial Association (MEBA) and the International Organization of Masters, Mates and Pilots (IOMMP).
ER 500-1-18 CECW-OE-P Corps of Engineers Continuity of Operations Planning System (CECOPS 3/30/1985 CECOPS provides policy and planning guidance for the continuity of essential operations of the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) during an impending or actual national emergency.
ER 25-1-96 CECI-ZAX Corps of Engineers Library Program 11/14/2022 Establishes policies and assigns responsibilities for the Corps of Engineers Library Program.
ER 500-1-2 CECW-OE-P Corps of Engineers Mobilization and Operations Planning and Execution Systems (CEMOPES) Theater of Operations (TO) 10/30/1995 Planning and Execution System (CEMOPES) - Theater of Operations (TO), is the US Army Corps of Engineers single integrated mobilization, deployment and execution planning system to support TO military contingencies.
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