Engineer Regulations

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Pub Number Proponent Title Pub Date Latest Review Info
ER 1165-2-119 CECW-PR MODIFICATIONS TO COMPLETED PROJECTS 9/20/1982 To coalesce guidance on the use of available authorities, as compared to the need for new project authorizations, for study and accomplishment of modifications to completed project's
ER 1165-2-123 CECW-PR SINGLE-OWNER SITUATIONS 10/30/1992 Provides policy guidance regarding Corps interest in pursuing proposed Civil Works project or separable elements which would directly serve a single entity.
ER 1165-2-130 CECW-PR FEDERAL PARTICIPATION IN SHORE PROTECTION 6/15/1989 Provides policies and guidelines for determining the extent of Federal participation in potential federal projects for protection from shore erosion, hurricanes, and abnormal tidal and lake flooding that result in damages or losses to coastal resources and/or development.
ER 1165-2-18 CECW-PR REIMBURSEMENT FOR NON-FEDERAL PARTICIPATION IN CIVIL WORKS PROJECTS 2/1/1989 Provides guidance on use of Section 215 of the Flood Control Act of 1968 to reimburse a non-Federal public body for construction of part of an authorized Federal project.
ER 1165-2-21 CECW-PR FLOOD DAMAGE REDUCTION MEASURES IN URBAN AREAS 10/30/1980 Provides policies and guidance for COE participation in urban flood damage reduction projects and establishes criteria to distinguish between improvements to be accomplished by the Corps under flood control authorities and storm sewer systems to be accomplished by local interests.
ER 1165-2-25 CECW-PR NAVIGATION POLICY: COST APPORTINMENT OF BRIDGE ALTERATIONS 5/30/1979 Provides policies and guidelines for the apportionment of bridge alteration costs required in connection with navigation improvements recommended in reports transmitted to the Chief of Engineers for approval or submitted to Congress for authorization.
ER 1165-2-26 CECW-PR IMPLEMENTATION OF EXECUTIVE ORDER 11988 ON FLOOD PLAIN MANAGEMENT 3/30/1984 Provides general policy and guidance for COE implementation of Executive Order 11988 as it pertains to the planning, design and construction of Civil Works projects, to activities under the operation and maintenance and Real Estate Programs.
ER 1165-2-27 CECW-PR ESTABLISHEMENT OF WETLANDS AREAS IN CONNECTION WITH DREDGING 8/18/1989 Provides guidance for the establishment of wetland areas in connection with dredging required as part of water resources development projects.
ER 1165-2-29 CECW-PR GENERAL CREDIT FOR FLOOD CONTROL 11/18/1987 Establishes guidelines and procedures for DA application of the provisions of Section 104 of Public Law 99-662
ER 1165-2-400 CECW-PR RECREATIONAL PLANNING, DEVELOPMENT, AND MANAGEMENT POLICIES 8/9/1985 Defines the objectives, philosophies and basic policies for outdoor recreation and enhancement of fish and wildlife resources at COE water resource development projects.
ER 1165-2-131 CECW-RN LOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENTS FOR NEW START CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS 4/15/1989 Provides guidance on procedures and responsibilities for developing, submitting, and obtaining approval of LCAs for specifically authorized new construction starts.
ER 500-1-30 CEDC-G3 Emergency Employment of Army and Other Resources: The Deployable Tactical Operations System (DTOS) 12/1/2019 Prescribes the policy, requirements, and procedures for the command and control (C2), and operation and maintenance of the Deployable Tactical Operations System (DTOS) for the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE).
ER 870-1-1 CEHO Field Operating Activities Historical Programs 4/30/1990 Establishes the general responsibilities and procedures governing field operating activities (FOA) historical programs.
ER 672-1-19 CEHR Incentive Awards 8/22/2024
ER 690-1-1218 CEHR Civilian Drug-Free Workplace Program 6/30/2021 This regulation prescribes policies, assigns responsibilities, and outlines detailed instructions and administrative procedures for the USACE Civilian Drug-Free Workplace Program.
ER 15-1-16 CEHR-D USACE Human Resources Development Steering Committee 4/1/1996 This regulation establishes the roles, responsibilities and composition of the USACE Human Resources Development (HRD) Steering Committee Training Issues Committee (CETIC) and the Career.
ER 690-1-1214 CEHR-D Civilian Personnel - USACE Leadership Development Program (LDP) 2/28/2011 To develop results oriented, agile leaders with broad perspectives who lead people and lead change successfully in complex environments.  The Corps will use the DoD Civilian Leader Development Framework to develop our leaders.
ER 690-1-1215 CEHR-D USACE Telework Program 5/13/2021 This regulation prescribes policies, assigns responsibilities, and outlines procedures for participation in the USACE Telework Program.
ER 690-1-1203 CEHR-E Corporate Recruitment and Selection 11/30/2019 his policy guidance defines the requirements and processes for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) corporate recruitment and selection of applicable positions covered under the General Schedule (GS), Defense Civilian Intelligence Personnel System (DCIPS) and positions in the Laboratory Personnel Demonstration Project (Lab Demo)
ER 690-1-1213 CEHR-E Civilian Personnel - Administrative Reemployment Rights for Certain USACE Employees 4/17/2023 Contains guidance on, establishes procedures for, granting and enforcing administrative reemployment rights for USCE personnel in Alaska and Hawaii, and also for all personnel under a PCS and/or TCS in support of programs of national interest.
ER 690-1-1217 CEHR-E Hiring and Retention Incentives 7/10/2017 This regulation defines hiring and retention incentives available for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) recruitment and retention of applicable positions covered under the General Schedule (GS), Defense Civilian Intelligence Personnel System (DCIPS) and positions in the Laboratory Personnel Demonstration Project (Lab Demo).
ER 690-1-500 CEHR-E Position Management and Classification 6/1/2022 Provides human resources policy guidance, procedures, and criteria for the position management and classification program in the USACE
ER 690-1-1212 CEHR-E / CECW-E / CEMP-ZB Professional Registration as a Selective Placement Factor 3/31/2004
ER 690-1-414 CEHR-H Proponent-Sponsored Engineer Corps Training (PROSPECT) 6/22/1987 Provides guidance to the organizations and individuals involved with the PROSPECT Program.
ER 15-2-12 CEHR-L Corps of Engineers Committee for the Negotiation of Labor Agreement with the Marine Engineers Beneficial Assn.(MEBA) and International Organization of Masters, Mates and Pilots (IOMMP) 1/21/1983 Establishes and defines the composition and responsibilities of the Corps of Engineers Committee for the Negotiation of Labor Agreements with the Marine Engineers Beneficial Association (MEBA) and the International Organization of Masters, Mates and Pilots (IOMMP).
ER 690-1-711 CEHR-L Labor-Management Relations 1/25/1984 Provides the USACE policy on the Labor-Management Relations Program.
ER 15-1-26 CEHR-L, DAEN-PEC-L Corps of Engineers SES Incentive Awards Committee 7/31/1986 Establishes the Corps of Engineers Senior Executive Service Incentive Award Committee (SES-IAC) and define its composition and responsibilities.
ER 350-3-3 CEHR-M USACE/USMA/ROTC Cadet Training Program (CDEP) 5/12/2012 Defines procedures for the USACE/Military Academy (USMA) /Cadet Command (USACC) Cadet Engineer Program (CDEP).
ER 690-1-1200 CEHR-OT Completion, Submission, Approval and Distribution of the Request, Authorization, Agreement, Certificate of Training and Reimbursement Form (DD Form 1556) 11/1/1983 Assigns responsibility and establishes procedures for the use of the DD Form 1556, "Request, Authorization, Agreement, Certification of Training and Reimbursement".
ER 600-1-54 CEHR-Z FamilyReadiness Deployment Cycle or Families: Requirements to Assist Family Members During the Deployment of US Army Corps of Engineers Soldiers and Civilian employees. 5/17/2010 Assigns responsibilities and establish policies and procedures to assist USACE Soldiers, Department of the Army (DA) Civilian employees, and Family members during deployments in support of an overseas contingency operation or disaster response.
ER 25-59-1 CEIT-OPI-RE Office Symbols 8/30/2022 This regulation establishes policies, responsibilities, and mandated procedures for managing the construction, approval, and use of office symbols throughout the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
ER 10-1-23 CEIWR Mission, Organizational Structure and Functions Institute for Water Resources 12/7/2020 This regulation designates the mission, major organization elements, and functions of the U.S. Army Engineer Institute for Water Resources (CEIWR), and establishes procedures for revising the organization structure, missions and functions.
ER 750-1-1 CELD-MS Materiel Maintenance Policies 1/30/1997 Sets policy and establishes responsibilities for the maintenance of military and civil personal property.
ER 55-1-2 CELD-T Transportation and Travel Management 10/1/2002 Contains policy, assigns responsibilities, and provides procedures for requesting, authorizing, funding, and performing official travel of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) military and civilian personnel.
ER 56-2-1 CELD-T Administrative Vehicles Management - Civil Works 1/15/1999 Prescribes the definition, methods, techniques and procedures for the management, operation, maintenance, and reporting of all civil works funded motor vehicles assigned the Corps of Engineers.
ER 700-1-1 CELD-ZA USACE Supply Policies and Procedures 4/30/2015 Provides policy for the acquisition, accountability, management, and disposal of supplies and personal property used within USACE.
ER 1110-1-8152 CEMP CECW Professional Registration and Signature on Design Documents 1/24/2012 Provides policy and guidance on professional registration of USACE civilian team members in all occupations included in career program (CP)-18 (Engineers & Scientists � Resources & Construction).
ER 10-1-50 CEMP-CE U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Environmental and Munitions Mandatory Center of Expertise 4/30/2012 Defines the mission and the organization of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Environmental and Munitions Mandatory Center of Expertise (EMMCE).
ER 1110-2-500 CEMP-CE EPA/USACE Superfund Program Funding and Reporting Requirements 10/31/2011 Provides general policy and guidance for establishing procedures governing the funds management and reporting requirements for Interagency
Agreements (IAAs) issued by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) for the EPA Superfund Program.
ER 1180-1-6 CEMP-CE CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT 9/30/1995 Provides general policy and guidance for establishing quality management procedures in the execution of construction contracts.  And defines the related responsibilities and rolls of both the contractor and the government.
ER 200-1-7 CEMP-CE Chemical Data Quality Management for Environmental Restoration Activities 11/28/2014
ER 415-1-13 CEMP-CE Design and Construction Evaluation (DCS) 2/29/1996 Prescribes the administrative and technical evaluation and reporting system for the Military and Civil Works Construction Program.
ER 1110-1-8153 CEMP-CED Military Munitions Support Services 10/15/2020 This regulation, in conjunction with the programmatic requirements, roles, and responsibilities established in other Engineering Regulations (ERs), Memoranda of Agreement (MOA) or Understanding (MOU), and other controlling policy or guidance documents for the programs which execute Military Munitions Support Services (M2S2) activities, establishes policies and responsibilities regarding the efficient use and coordination of technical resources within the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE).  The foundation of USACE environmental work is the Environmental Operating Principles as specified in ER 200-1-5.
ER 200-3-1 CEMP-CED Environmental Quality - Formerly Used Defense Sites (FUDS) Program Policy 12/14/2022 Provides specific policy and guidance for management and execution of the Former Used Defense Sites (FUDS) program.
ER 210-3-2 CEMP-CI Army Range and Training Support System Program 9/30/2022 This regulation defines specific responsibilities and policies for the planning,  programming, design, and construction of training ranges and Training Support Systems (TSS)  facilities established in Army Regulation (AR) 350-52.
ER 415-1-16 CEMP-CM Fiscal Management 9/30/1993 This regulation establishes the policies andprocedures to be used in the financial management of the construction function at the district/operating major subordinate command (MSC) level.
ER 415-345-13 CEMP-CM Financial Closeout 8/15/1989 Establishes policy for financial closeout of projects after acceptance of military contracts.
ER 1140-1-211 CEMP-CN Support for Others: Reimbursable Services. 3/24/2023 This regulation provides guidance on USACE providing reimbursable services to Department of Defense (DoD) and non-DoD entities, with the exception of services or other support arrangements described under paragraph 6.  The USACE Homepage contains a web site for the Interagency and International Services (IIS) program which is located at: .
ER 5-1-16 CEMP-CN Management Capacity Development - International 6/30/2009 Establishes policies for capacity development (CD) for international programs and projects conducted by the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and serves as requirements basis documents for CD planning and implementation for USACE international programs and projects.
ER 415-1-15 CEMP-CP Construction Time Extensions for Weather 10/31/1989 Provides guidance for establishing contract time adjustments for delays resulting from unusually severe weather.
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