Engineer Pamphlets

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Pub Number Proponent Title Pub Date Latest Review Info
EP 715-1-2 CEMP-CE A Guide to Effective Contractor Quality Control (CQC) 2/1/1990 This booklet explains the Corps* concept of CQC and can assist the
contractor to bring about effective control
EP 1110-2-17 CECW-EC A Guide to Public Alerts and Warning for Dam and Levee Emergencies 4/30/2019 To assist the emergency manager in issuing more timely and effective public alert and warning messages for floods caused by dam breaches, controlled dam releases, and levee breaches or overtopping.
EP 715-1-7 CECW-CE, CEPR-P Architect Engineer Contracting in USACE 2/29/2012 This pamphlet provides guidance and procedures for contracting for architect-engineer with the Brooks Architect-Engineer Act and the acquisition
regulations referenced below. The guidance and procedures in this pamphlet promote fair, efficient and consistent A-E contracting practices throughout the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE).
EP 415-1-260 CECW-CE Area/Resident Engineer Management Guide 3/31/2016 This Engineer Pamphlet supersedes EP 415-1-260, Dated 6 December 1990
EP 1110-1-23 CEMP-RT Asbestos Abatement Air Monitoring - Standard Scope of Work 1/31/1999 Provides guidance for developing project scopes of work to conduct air monitoring during asbestos abatement (IAW CEGS 13280), to include environmental air quality control and/or air sampling for baseline (pre-abatement) and final clearance phases.
EP 1110-1-22 CEMP-RA Asbestos Surveys and Assessments - Standard Scope of Work 9/15/2000 Provides a framework for developing site and project specific scopes of work for completion of asbestos surveys and assessments at Army facilities.
EP 385-1-40 CESO-S Boards of Investigation 5/31/1991
EP 37-1-5 CERM-B Budget and Manpower Resource Management Cycle 2/25/1994 To provide time frame guidelines for the budget and manpower cycle from USACE Major Subordinate Commands to HQUSACE/OCE and to higher authority.
EP 37-1-3 CERM-B Budget Officer's Handbook 5/1/1998 This pamphlets prescribes procedures and sample formats to assist Commanders and Laboratory Directors in establishing and using operation budgets.
EP 690-1-824 CECW-HS Career Development and Training Guide for the Emergency Management Community of Practice and Contingency Operations Workforce 7/31/2015 Applicability. This guide applies specifically to HQUSACE elements, Divisions, Districts, Field Operating Activities (FOA), Labs, and Centers of Exprestise
EP 690-2-2 CECW-CO Career Development Guide for Civil Works Natural ResourcesManagement Team Members 5/14/2010 a.  This pamphlet is designed to provide guidance to proactive Natural Resources Management (NRM) team members in designing a path that can help lead to achieving long-term career goals or hight-level positions.
EP 690-1-827 CECI-HC CIO/G-6 Careers Brochure 1/15/2021 Careers Brochure” is intended to be a resource for use in career fairs or hiring events and an information source for potential new-hires.
EP 690-1-808 CEMP-EA Civil Personnel - Training and Career Development Plans for Intern and Intermediate Level Architects 6/8/1991 This Engineer Pamphlet (EP) provides policy, guidance, and procedures concerning the development of training and career development plans for intern and intermediate level personnel in the occupational series of GS-0808-Architecture (architects) within the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE).
EP 11-1-320 CECW-HS Civil Works Emergency Management Programs Financial Management Process 10/31/2017 This Engineer Pamphlet prescribes procedures for the US Army Corps of Engineers Emergency Management Community of Practice for the management and execution of programming, funding, and budgeting processes that support the USACE Emergency Management Program.
EP 1100-2-3 CECW-EC Civil Works Guide To Sustainable Infrastructure Requirements 6/1/2020 The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Environmental Operating Principles (EOP) encourage staff to “create mutually supporting economic and environmentally sustainable solutions” (Refs. 4.a., 4.b.)
EP 1100-2-2 CECW-EC Civil Works Sustainable Infrastructure Practices Guidebook 12/1/2019 The U.S. Army Corps of Engineering (USACE) Environmental Operating Principles (EOP) encourages staff to “create mutually supporting economic and environmentally sustainable solutions” (Refs. 5.a., 5.b.).
EP 690-1-807 CEMP-EA Civilian Personnel - Training and Career Development Plans for Landscape Architects 8/19/1994 This pamphlet provides, guidance, and procedures concerning the development of training and career development plans for personnel in the occupational series of GS-0807-Landscape Architecture (landscape architects) within the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE).
EP 415-1-266 CEMP-EC Construction - Resident Engineer Management Guide (REMG) for Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste (HTRW) Projects 5/31/2000 This Engineer Pamphlet (EP) provides information regarding remedial design; response actions (remedial actions and removals) involving hazardous, toxic, and radioactive wastes; and ordnance and explosives (OE) response actions.
EP 1110-1-8 CECW-EC Construction Equipment Ownership and Operating Expense Schedule 8/12/2021 This Engineer Pamphlet (EP) is authorized by and established consistent with Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 31.105 and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Acquisition Instructions (UAI) Subpart 5131.1: Applicability, 5131.105: Construction and Architect-Engineer (A-E) Contracts. This EP establishes predetermined equipment ownership and operating expense rates for construction equipment. Rates and additional information can be found online at
EP 1105-2-58 CECW-P Continuing Authorities Program 3/31/2019 This appendix provides the policy and procedural guidance for planning, design, and implementation of projects pursued under the legislative and administrative provisions of the Continuing Authorities Program (CAP).  CAP consists of a group of nine legislative authorities under which the Secretary of the Army, acting through the Chief of Engineers, is authorized to plan, design, and implement certain types of water resources projects without additional project specific congressional authorization.  Table 1 lists the CAP authorities, the Authority/Title is the commonly referenced name based on the “section” of the Act which first provided the authority.  Overview and policies for each purpose are found in the identified Chapter 3 of Engineer Regulation (ER) 1105-2-100.  This EP supersedes/rescinds Appendix F of ER 1105-2-100 Planning Guidance Notebook.
EP 715-1-8 CECT-ZA Contract Specialist Proficiency Guide 3/19/2021 This guide is for use by USACE Contract Specialist and the mentors, supervisors, and Contracting Officers involved in training Contracting Specialists.
EP 1110-1-15 CECW-EG Cooperation with State Geological Surveys 1/11/2021 The purpose of this pamphlet is to encourage USACE cooperation and coordination with State Geological Surveys.
EP 310-1-6 CECW-CO Corporate Information: Graphic Standards Manual - Change 1 6/1/2006 The guidance provided within this Graphic Standards Manual was developed to assure that the visual presentation of the Corps of Engineers is accomplished with consistency and forethought.
EP 1165-2-1 CECW-AG Digest of Water Resources Policies and Authorities 7/30/1999 This pamphlet provides a brief summary, in digest form, of the existing administrative and legislative water resources policies and authorities pertinent to the Civil Works activities of the Corps of Engineers.
EP 1165-2-502 CECW-A Ecosystem Restoration - Supporting Policy Information 9/30/1999 This pamphlet provides policy information in support of ER 1165-2-501 to guide Corps of Engineers involvement in ecosystem restoration and protection through Civil Works programs and activities.
EP 1110-3-2 CEMP-ET Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) and Tempest Protection for Facilities 12/31/1990 This pamphlet provides unclassified engineering and design information about protecting fixed ground facilities against the effects of an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) produced by a nuclear explosion. It also provides unclassified engineering and design information about satisfying TEMPEST requirements.
EP 500-1-1 CECW-OE Emergency Employment of Army and Other Resources - Civil Emergency Management Program - Procedures 9/30/2001 This pamphlet prescribes processes and procedures for the management and execution of the Civil Emergency Management (CEM) Program of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) under the authorities of 33 USC 701n (commonly referred to as Public Law (PL) 84-99); The Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5121 et seq.) (The Stafford Act); Army Regulation (AR) 500-60, Disaster Relief; Engineer Regulation (ER) 500-1-1, Civil Emergency Management Program; and ER 1130-2-530, Flood Control Operations and Maintenance Policies.
EP 500-1-2 CEDC-GP Emergency Employment of Army and Other Resources - Field Force Engineering - United States Army Corps of Engineers Support to Full Spectrum Operations 8/1/2010 This pamphlet fills a fundamental role in describing FFE as the means for USACE support to full spectrum operations.
EP 500-1-12 CECW-HS Emergency Employment of Army and Other Resources: Emergency Management Continuous Improvement Program – Procedures 8/29/2023
EP 500-1-3 CECW-OE Emergency Operations 7/1/1982 This EP is dedicated to emergency preparedness and rapid reaction to major emergencies throughout the United States.
EP 25-1-114 CECI-PID Emergency Operations Procedures for all Personnel During Natural and Man-made Disasters 3/31/2022 This Engineer Pamphlet establishes policies, responsibilities, and procedures for managing records created during an emergency operation natural and manmade disaster
EP 1110-1-31 CEMP-RA Engineering and Design - Combined Lead Inspection/Risk Assessment for Target Housing Property Transfers - Standard Scope of Work 8/31/2001 The standard Scope of Work (SOW) described in this Engineer Pamphlet (EP) provides a framework for developing site- and project-specific scopes of work for completion of combined lead inspections/risk assessments for DA property transfers.
EP 400-2-1 CESPK-CO-O Enjoy Corps Lands and Waters Today 7/1/2009 Find the Corps recreation area near you.
EP 200-2-3 CECW-ON Environmental Compliance Guidance and Procedures 10/30/1996 This pamphlet establishes guidance for the management of environmental compliance-related operations and maintenance (O&M) activities at U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) civil works and military projects and facilities and supplements Engineer Regulation (ER) 200-2-3.
EP 200-1-24 CEMP-CED Environmental Quality - Air Pathway Analysis for the Design of Remedial Action Projects 9/30/2015 Purpose.  This pamphlet describes Air pathway Analysis (APA) proceures. Applicability. Applies to all USACE commands responsibile for the design of remedial action projects that will be funded from USACE appropriations.
EP 200-1-18 CEMP-RA Environmental Quality: Five-year Reviews of Military Munitions Response Projects 9/30/2011 This Engineer Pamphlet (EP) provides U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) personnel with procedural guidance for performing Five-Year Reviews for projects under the Military Munitions Response Program (MMRP).
EP 200-3-1 CEMP-CE Environmental Quality: Public Participation Requirements for Defense Environmental Restoration Program 9/30/2011 This pamphlet provides U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) personnel with information on public participation activities required during CERCLA actions, such as Military Munitions Response Program (MMRP) and Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive (HTRW) Response Actions.
EP 200-1-15 CEMP-RT Environmental Quality: Standard Scopes of Work for HTRW Risk Assessments 6/30/2016 This pamphlet supersedes EP 200-1-15, dated 15 December 2001
EP 1130-2-540 CECW-ON Environmental Stewardship and Maintenance Guidance and Procedures 11/15/1996 This pamphlet establishes guidance for the management of environmental stewardship related operations and maintenance activities at USACE civil works water resource projects and supplements ER 1130-2-540, Environmental Stewardship Operations and Maintenance Policies.
EP 1110-1-24 CEMP-RA Establishing and Maintaining Institutional Controls for Ordnance and Explosives (OE) Projects 12/15/2000 Provide general guidance on the process to be used to develop, implement, and maintain institutional controls on Ordnance and Explosives project sites.
EP 75-1-3 CECW-ET Explosives - Recovered Chemical Warfare Materiel (RCWM) Response Process 11/30/2004 This pamphlet provides detailed procedures on the process to be used to manage and execute all aspects of Recovered Chemical Warfare Materiel (RCWM) response actions.
EP 1110-345-102 CEMP-ET Explosives Storage Magazines 8/31/1995 Appendix A provides a ready reference of explosives storage magazine information such as shape, size, explosive limits, and operational features. It is intended to
provide planners and designers sufficient information to select the most suitable standard magazine design to satisfy the user's requirements.
EP 1100-1-1 CECW-Z Federal Support Toolbox for IWRM 5/13/2013 Provide a comprehensive on-line toolbox
of water information across all levels of
government and organizations
EP 1165-2-314 CECW-PF Flood Proofing 12/15/1995 A purpose statement is not given in this pamphlet, instead the first sentence of the Preface is entered here:                                                                                                                        The original EP 1165-2-314, Flood-Proofing Regulations, was published in June of 1972. It has been distributed worldwide as an administrative and technical model for code design and enforcement. Over the years, it has been adopted by direct reference in thousands of local building codes across the United States. It also has served as the framework for the preparation of numerous other flood proofing publications, the flood resistant design criteria of the National Flood Insurance Program, and the development of similar design
standards within the major national building code organizations.
EP 200-1-10 CEMP-RT Green Building Technology in Hazardous Waste Cleanup Applications 12/10/1999 This Engineer Pamphlet (EP) identifies Green Building technologies and opportunities at Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste (HTRW) sites and provides guidance to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) personnel and their contractors for use of Green Building technologies at HTRW sites.
EP 1130-2-553 CECW-OP Guidance For Operational Condition Assessment of USACE Inland Navigation and Flood Risk Management Assests 11/18/2022
EP 1130-2-554 CECW-CO Guidance for Operational Condition Assessments of USACE Recreation Condition Assessment 5/1/2023
EP 360-1-36 CEPA Guidance For Preparation of Information Products in Print, Electronic and Internet Formats. 6/3/2022 This pamphlet prescribes policy for the consistent use of branding in internal and external information products by the members of USACE.
EP 1105-2-63 CECW-P Guide for Incorporating Life Risk in USACE Flood and Coastal Storm Risk Management Project Development. 9/1/2022 This guide provides information on how the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers  (USACE) incorporates life risk in the planning process for both new and existing projects, and in  inland and coastal environments.
EP 1110-2-18 CECW-CE Guidelines for Landscape Planting And Vegetation Management At Levees, Floodwalls, Embankment Dams, And Appurtenant Structures 5/1/2019 This EP provides guidelines to assure that landscape planting and vegetation management provide aesthetic and environmental benefits without compromising the reliability of levees, floodwalls, embankment dams, and appurtenant structures.
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