Engineer Pamphlets

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Pub Number Proponent Title Pub Date Latest Review Info
EP 385-1-96 CESO-I USACE Ergonomics Program Procedures 6/1/2000 This Engineer Pamphlet (EP) provides a framework for developing a local ergonomics program in accordance with ER 385-1-96, as part of the command's overall safety and occupational health program
EP 1100-1-5 CECW-EC USACE Guide to Resilience Practices 12/1/2020 Resilience is the ability to anticipate, prepare for, and adapt to changing conditions and withstand, respond to, and recover rapidly from disruptions.
EP 1140-1-1 CEMP-CN USACE Interagency and International Services 5/17/2016
EP 1100-1-3 CECW-EC USACE Sustainability: Definition and Concepts Guide 7/19/2018 This pamphlet clarifies sustainability-related terms and definitions to help orient and align staff on practices consistent with the Environmental Operating Principles (EOP), Guiding Principles for Sustainable Federal Buildings (GP), Civil Works Strategic Plan (CWSP), and other directives.
EP 11-1-3 CEMP-ZV, DAEN-ECE_V Value Engineering Officer's Operational Guide 1/1/1987 This pamphlet prescribes the basic duties and responsibilities of Value Engineering Officers (VEO) and procedures for operation of Value Engineer (VE) programs.
EP 11-1-4 CEMP-ZV Value Engineering: A Profitable Partership 5/15/1995 The VE Program also offers contractors a unique opportunity to increase profits - often substantially.
EP 360-1-35 CEPA Value to the Nation 9/17/2017 This Engineer Pamphlet goes over how the Army Corps of Engineers continues the tradition of providing vital engineering services.
EP 690-2-1 CERPO You, The Corps and The Future -Employment Options Upon Reorganization 11/1/1992 This document is to help you understand your employment options and entitlements if your job is affected by the Corps reorganization.
EP 385-1-97 CESO-E Your Mission is to Work Safely 1/1/2011 Guide to a Successful Safety Program
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