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Engineer Regulations

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Pub Number Proponent Title Pub Date Latest Review Info
ER 25-1-111 CECI-PID-IP Radio/Satellite Transmission Systems and Frequency Management Policy 5/14/2015 This Regulation supersedes ER 25-1-111, Dated 30 April 2012
ER 25-1-112 CECI-GAD Information Technology Architecture 6/15/2014 The Corps Enterprise Architecture (CeA) consists of strategic and foundational documents, a common process, and products and services to support current and transitional ways of doing business.
ER 25-1-113 CECW-CO USACE Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity Mandatory Center of Expertise 1/31/2019 his regulation establishes policies, roles, and responsibilities for the U.S Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity Mandatory Center of Expertise (UCIC-MCX) to assure that new and existing projects and facilities with control systems that are owned and operated by USACE are secured and authorized according to applicable Department of Defense and Army regulations.
ER 25-2-1 CECW-BD Annual Report of the Secretary of the Army on Civil Works Activities (RCS: CONG-1006) 9/30/1997 Sets the schedule for submission and establishes the procedures to be followed in the preparation of material for Volume II of the Annual Report of the Secretary of the Army on Civil Works Activities.
ER 25-30-1 CECI Information Management: Publishing and Printing Guidance for Preparation and Processing of United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Publications and Forms 5/1/2020 Prescribes guidance for preparation and processing of USACE publications and forms.  It provides the necessary steps on how to develop new publications and forms, update or change existing publications and forms, and staff publications and forms for final approval, publishing, and posting to websites
ER 25-59-1 CECI Office Symbols 10/7/2019 This regulation list office symbols that are authorized for use within the US. Army Corps of Engineers and prescribes the responsibilities and procedures for assigning office symbols.
ER 25-60-1 CECI USACE Records Management Program 6/30/2015 This regulation establishes policies, responsibilities, and mandated procedures for managing the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Records Management Program.
ER 25-345-1 CECW-EC Commissioning Systems Manual 1/31/2019 This regulation provides policy and guidance for developing a Systems Manual (SM) for each facility designed, constructed, or rehabilitated by the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE).
ER 27-1-1 CECC-K Claims, Litigation, and Procurement Fraud 9/15/1996 Establishes policy, responsibility, and guidance  for processing claims and litigation involving the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
ER 27-2-2 CECC-ZA Procedures for Implementation and Enforcement of the Rules of Professional Conduct for Attorneys 2/29/1996 Establishes responsibilities for advancing and enforcing the Rules of Professional Conduct for Lawyers (AR 27-26) (Rules) and the procedures for reporting, processing, investigating and taking appropriate action on reports or allegations of violations of the Rules in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), as required by Rule 10.1.
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