Engineer Technical Letters

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Pub Number Proponent Title Pub Date Latest Review Info
ETL 1100-2-4 CECW-EC Developing Paleoflood Information For Flood Frequency Analysis. - EXPIRES 30 September 2025 9/30/2020 provides guidance and procedures for the appropriate use of paleoflood analyses and information in support of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) flood frequency analysis.
ETL 1110-2-588 CECW-EC Geotechnical System Response Curves for Risk Assessments. EXPIRES 30 November 2025 10/15/2020 This Engineer Technical Letter (ETL) provides (1) references for various methodologies for developing system response curves; (2) examples of probabilistic methods for developing system response curves; (3) guidance specific to development of geotechnical system response curves for use with the Hydrologic Engineering Center’s
ETL 1110-2-586 CECW-EC CHANGE 1 - Dewatering: Methods, Evaluation, Design, Installation, and Performance Monitoring. EXPIRES 30 June 2026 5/24/2023 This Engineer Technical Letter (ETL) provides guidance for the planning, design, supervision, construction, and operation of construction phase dewatering and pressure relief systems, and of seepage cutoffs for deep excavations for structures.
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