Engineer Pamphlets

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Pub Number Proponent Title Pub Date Latest Review Info
EP 37-1-5 CERM-B Budget and Manpower Resource Management Cycle 2/25/1994 To provide time frame guidelines for the budget and manpower cycle from USACE Major Subordinate Commands to HQUSACE/OCE and to higher authority.
EP 690-2-1 CERPO You, The Corps and The Future -Employment Options Upon Reorganization 11/1/1992 This document is to help you understand your employment options and entitlements if your job is affected by the Corps reorganization.
EP 11-1-5 CESI To Form A More Perfect Corps 7/22/1987 Contact publications representative for more information.
EP 385-1-100 CESO Implementation of ARC Flash Hazard Program 9/30/2014
EP 385-1-97 CESO-E Your Mission is to Work Safely 1/1/2011 Guide to a Successful Safety Program
EP 385-1-96 CESO-I USACE Ergonomics Program Procedures 6/1/2000 This Engineer Pamphlet (EP) provides a framework for developing a local ergonomics program in accordance with ER 385-1-96, as part of the command's overall safety and occupational health program
EP 385-1-40 CESO-S Boards of Investigation 5/31/1991
EP 400-2-1 CESPK-CO-O Enjoy Corps Lands and Waters Today 7/1/2009 Find the Corps recreation area near you.
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