Engineer Forms

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Pub Number Proponent Title Pub Date Latest Review Info
ENG 6277 CESO Energized Electrical Work Permit 9/13/2024 See EM 385-1-1
ENG 6293 CESO Accident Prevention Plan Worksheet 8/31/2024 EM 385-1-1
ENG 2440 CERE-PS Acquisition Progress Report 6/1/1980 Presribing directive ER 405-1-2
ENG 6206 CESO Activity Hazard Analysis 9/1/2024 EM 385-1-1
ENG 3662 CELD-V Administrative Vehicle Operational Record 2/1/2022 Prescribing directive ER 56-2-1
ENG 6104 CEHR-E Advance In-Hire Rate - Justification and Approval 9/30/2024 Used to document the justification and approval of an advanced in-hire rate pay setting based on superior qualifications or meeting a special need of the USACE mission.
ENG 6204 CESO Alternate Entry Procedures 5/31/2023 Prescribed by EM 385-1-1
ENG 4858 CECW-CE Annual A-E Responsibility Management Program Report (LRA) 5/1/1999 Prescribing directive ER 715-1-10
ENG 6067 CECW-CO Annual Day Use Passes 11/30/2015 For use of this Form, see ER 1130-2-550 and EP 1130-2-550
ENG 4660 CERE Annual Report On Relocation and Real Property Acquisition Activities - Federally Assisted Projects (LRA) 10/1/1978 Prescribing directive ER 405-1-12
ENG 6171 CECI-ZA Applicant Transaction Record 7/29/2019
ENG 4345 CECW-COR Application for Department of the Army Permit 10/31/2024 33 CFR 325
ENG 4264 CECW-ON Application For Shoreline Use Permit 10/1/1990 Prescribing directive ER 1130-2-406
ENG 6072 CECI Appointment of Publication/Forms Review Officer 8/13/2019 Section I; requestors Information. Section II: Publicatins Review Officer (PRO). Section III: Forms Review Officer (FRO)
ENG 4862 CERE-P Appraisal Performance (LRA) 12/1/1998 Prescribing directive ER 405-1-12
ENG 6231 CECT-P Architect-Engineer (A-E) Contract Compliance Checklist 3/6/2023 For use of this form, see USACE Aquisition Instruction.
ENG 6232 CECT-P Architect-Engineer (A-E) Section and Solicitation Compliance Checklist 3/6/2023 For use of this form, see USACE Acquisition Instruction.
ENG 6243 CEDC-G Assignment Consideration Request 6/30/2021 For use of this form, see OPORD 2021-11 & 2021-05
ENG 6205 CESO Atmospheric Testing 5/25/2023 Prescribed by EM 385-1-1
ENG 6178 CECI-Z Attendee/Participant Feedback Survey 10/11/2019
ENG 6132 CERM-F Authorization of Administrative Leave During Administrative Closures of Emergencies 3/24/2021
ENG 6295 CECW-COR Authorization to Act as an Agent 11/1/2024 Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899, and Section 103 of the Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act
ENG 6065 CECW-CO Authorized Collector (AC), Contractor Gate Attendant (CGA), Volunteer Fee Collector (VFC) and Fee Collection Contract (FCC) Audit 11/30/2015 For use of this form, see ER 1130-2-550 and EP 1130-2-550
ENG 6070 CECW-CO Authorized Collectors Training Tracking Sheet 11/30/2015 For use of this Form, see ER 1130-2-550 and EP 1130-2-550
ENG 3853 CECW-EC Axial Loading Data 4/1/2024 Prescribing directive EM 1110-2-1906
ENG 5036-1 CECW-ON Cancellation of Certificate of Authority to Issue Citations 11/1/1992 Prescribing directive ER 1130-2-420
ENG 4883 CECW-O Certificate of Appreciation for Volunteer Service (LRA) 1/1/2014 Prescribing directive ER 1130-2-432
ENG 5036 CECW-ON Certificate of Authority to Issue Citations 11/1/1992 Prescribing directive ER 1130-2-420
ENG 6209 CESO Certificate of Compliance for Load Handling Equipment and Rigging 6/21/2023 EM 385-1-1
ENG 3579 CECW-OO Certificate of Inspection (Self-propelled floating plant under 65' in length) 1/3/2003 Prescribing directive ER 1125-2-304
ENG 6285 CECW-COR Certification of Compliance with Department of the Army Permit 12/20/2024 This form is used by recipients of US Army Corps of Engineer Regulatory permits to certify compliance with the permit terms and conditions.
ENG 4710 CECW-ON Citation Authority Identification 3/1/2014
ENG 6035 CELA-SMD Civil Property Authorization Document (CPAD) Equipment Changes 5/9/2009 Prescribing directive ER 700-1-1
ENG 6034 CELA-SMD Civil Property Authorization Document (CPAD) Initiation 8/12/2021 Prescribing directive ER 700-1-1
ENG 6059 CECO-P Class Approval Request 5/30/2022 HQ-USACE OPORD 2022-03
ENG 6283 CESO Collateral Duty Safety Officer (CDSO) Designation Letter 9/13/2024 See EM 385-1-1
ENG 6241 CECS-X Command Group Calendar Request 4/6/2021 Used to schedule, define, coordinate, and staff meeting request in accordance with Army Senior Leader and HQDA scheduling processes.
ENG 3843 CECW-EC Compaction Test 5/30/2023 Prescribing directive EM 1110-2-1906
ENG 2091 CECW-EC Compaction Test Report 8/1/2022 Prescribing directive EM 1110-2-1906
ENG 6033 CEFC-ZP Compensatory TIme Off For Travel Computation and Approval Form 7/31/2015 as unusual wait time. Note 3: Compensatory time for travel cannot be credited during an employee's regualr working hours.
ENG 6207 CESO Confined Space Entrant Log 5/31/2023 Prescribed by EM 385-1-1
ENG 6210 CESO Confined Space Reclassification 5/31/2023 Prescribed by EM 385-1-1
ENG 6212 CESO Confined Space Survey 5/31/2023 Prescribed by EM 385-1-1
ENG 2088 CECW-EC Consolidation Test - Time Curves 8/1/2022 Prescribing directive EM 1110-2-1906
ENG 3849 CECW-EC Consolidation Test (Computation of Void Ratios) 8/29/2023 Prescribing directive EM 1110-2-1906
ENG 3847 CECW-EC Consolidation Test (Specimen Data) 9/11/2023 Prescribing directive EM 1110-2-1906
ENG 3848 CECW-EC Consolidation Test (Time-Consolidation Data) 8/29/2023 Prescribing directive EM 1110-2-1906
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